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"Why are you here?" He asked me and I looked at him.

"Uh...Like I said...I am now leaving...I just grabbed some of my things..." I said as panick inside me has risen. What other answers should I say? The one that is freaking believable.

"Huh. Really," He said mocking me as he looked at my luggage and my closet that hasn't been touched, "Fine. I am here to visit Tonton and Ceci." I said out of nowhere because I am running out of ideas. Gosh, dang it. He chuckled lightly at my answer.

"Stop lying." He said while his jaw is clenched, "I am not lying—!" I said immediately but he cut me off, "Coming back is not part of your plan." He said and that caught my attention. Yes, maybe he's right. I didn't plan to come back here. I just...I don't know. I keep thinking about him for 3 years but actually I didn't want to come back because I am scared that he'll treat me how he's treating me right now. I stayed still and quiet as he has a point.

"I know why you're here. You came back just because your so called 'dreams' are now shattering?" He mocked me and I looked at him. Fine because he knew that my big dream is to become a designer but I became an actress instead. But it doesn't have to be reason to mock me.

"I didn't just left for my dreams. I left because you didn't gave me a reason to stay," I said firmly trying not to shed a tear in front of him and he gazed at me. But to be honest, it's not just that. It's also for his dreams.

"Me choosing you isn't enough?" He asked and I looked at him, "When did you choose me? I left for us. I left for you to focus on your dreams."

"I didn't need you to leave me. I came back for you that night. I didn't attend the interview but guess what you already flee for what? You didn't even bother discussing it. I called you so many times. You just vanished." I stood there looking at him. Because first, I couldn't believe that he came back for me that night and second—it freaking hurts.

"Wait. What...what did you say?" I stuttered knowing the truth. Omygosh. This is all my fault. So he came back for me???? Omygosh. I can't help but to soften my look at him. All the feeling fucking come back and I know I messed it up. How can I not freaking forget someone for all these years?

"Nevermind that. Leave—" I hugged him. So tight. I just want to hug him. I miss everything about him. That's all I need, "Please. I am sorry. I am fucking sorry for leaving. Please. I don't want you to stop loving me." I said almost like a whisper then he never do anything. He never even hugged me back. He pushed me slowy and I can't help but to get hurt at the way he did that.

Why should I expect? I left him. I left him without talking to him first. I left him just because Gladys said so. I left him because I thought it would help him and his career which clearly did.

"You left me without me knowing any reasons why after a mere fight about our priorities. You left for your dreams? What dream? To become a fucking side chick?" Fine. Maybe he's right. Maybe I freaking gave up everything we had just for my dreams. Maybe. But maybe If I knew sooner that he loved me, maybe I would come back earlier.

"But I came back, I still fucking love you, Jughead. I never stop." I said looking at him eagerly while my eyes are tearing up but then he coldly answered, "If you love me, you wouldn't hurt me that much. You wouldn't cause me fucking pain—my songs can prove that. If you love me, you would have stayed to let me explain but you never did."

"It was because I was hurt too. I thought you still loved Betty that time!" I said immediately.

"Godamnit. You fucking lost me already, okay? It's been three years! Three fucking years. Stop this nonsense, Veronica! Stop being here like it was three years ago!" He said annoyingly while looking at me. He's right. It's been three years and I am stuck in it. I can't moved on but coming back here made me realize things, I need to go. I need to move forward instead of always looking backwards. I need to know that the Jughead I loved will never be the same as now because it's different now. People change. Everything has changed.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now