forsythe's pov

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part one

"So that incident was an act just to get my attention? Pretty genius," I moved closer to her. Well, she's not that bad but I hate girls like him. Not because she's a fan it's because of how she acted. She bumped at me and spilled some drinks on—it's all a fucking show.

"What?" She said confused as I returned her stare with the same intensity.

"I'm Jughead Jones. Don't pretend that you don't know me, you're a stalker and you have the stamp of the VVIP fans." I said to her as I chuckled out of the elevator. I know girls like him and I hate it.

She brought up her two polaroid pictures and she showed it to me, "Here's my picture so you wouldn't forget me. Keep them." I knew it. How dare she showed up here again.

"I don't need them." I said and she just grab them and said, "Fine. I'll just give these to Reggie and Sweet pea." Another thing to hate, she's a bad liar.

"It's my property now and I can do everything about it even if I throw them in trash." I said grabbing the pictures on my hand as I slid the photos in my denim jacket pocket. Annoying girl.

"I really like you," She jokingly said and I smirked arrogantly, "Who wouldn't?"

"Do you like someone else?" She asked

I smirked, "Why? Are you thinking about owning me?"

"Are you thinking about saying yes?" She flirted not breaking our eye contact.

This girl annoys me. She bothers me and I shouldn't be but there's something about her. Something that I want to know.

"I don't like liars and Archie's girls," I commented while remembering how she acted in front of Archie. What kind of girl likes everyone in the band? You need to have favorite.

"I don't know what it is or why I even like you but I need that one thing." That made me stop. I felt something strange and I hate her more now.

"Nick! Get away from me! Stop—mmmh. Stop. Please stop—Mmmmm." The moment I saw that, I stopped. I am furiously mad and disgusted by that guy who's molesting someone.

It's her. Being molested by a jerk, I don't know why but I suddenly want to kill someone!  I'm a boy with a sister and a mother.She looked helpless. Nothing like the happy, confident and outgoing girl I've always see. No. Not always. Because all things that she does make me notice it. I can't help it, she's always noticeable.

"N-nick. S-stop—" I fucking punched him to death. Guys like him deserve to rot.

"Uhmmmm....I didn't know how to stop him I don't—Thank you." She said and she looked so cold with her clothes almost torn.

I looked at her and said, "Anyone who sees that kind of scenario will not think twice in stopping it. Don't feel special," But did I? Why did it feels like there is another reason why?

"It's Veronica," The hell she needs? She lied to me. Again. She was seen kissing with Archie in front of condo with my jacket. So after I fucking saved her, she went to Archie.

"Why do you have my number? And why are you even calling me?" I said coldly and annoyed at her. Why is she bothering me now and again?

"I have sources." Stalker.

"Oh, yeah Archie right? That's why you didn't want me to drive you home." I said sounded sarcastic and pissed. Why am I pissed.

"Speaking of that, we're not even a thing or dating or whatever the news are saying." She stated as if I care.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now