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"Hello," I answered my phone wile looking at the familiar number.

"Ms. Veronica, I don't have any lead yet because you didn't provide a concrete proof if that boy even exist in Riverdale," I gasped. I almost forgot the whole reason of me going back to Riverdale.

Years ago, before we moved to New York of course I live here in Pembrooke and week before moving. I met this handsome jolly boy who's always wearing a beanie. We became friends for a week.

I just want to see him again and thank him for saving me because we immediately went to New York for safety after the kidnapping without even knowing what happened to him. I was a kid and I know I had no choice but to follow my parents. I remember crying to them and begging for them to let me see him but we immediately left after that.

I want to thank him properly today, because of him I am still alive. What happened is, we got kidnapped and when we escaped he got shot by taking the bullet that was for me and the last thing I remember is him getting moved by the medics and the ambulance going away while I was left with my parents. My parents didn't tell me anything about the kidnapping but one thing I know—we were both targets. I know that the boy's family is rich too.

"The only thing I remember is he always wear a beanie. Gosh, it's been years, I don't remember anything. Can you do your best to find him, please???" I forgot the boy's face and first name because of the trauma. I can't remember him. I badly can't no matter how many times I think about him, I can't. I just can't. That time is so trajic that I even deleted my own memory of him even though I didn't want to forget him. I do.

"Okay, Ms. Veronica. I'll try starting the investigations in hospitals if they have records of that boy you want to find," He continued. What kind of detective is this??? Well, I am at fault to. I can't provide him a name nor a description just a fucking beanie. It is so irrelevant that even a detective can't have any lead in finding him.

I breathed, I need to find him. "Thank you. I appreciate your effort, I'll send money soon but not now." I said because being broke is hard. I ended the call. Another phone call came. Wow. I answered it and as soon as I saw the number I almost throw my phone but I thought I can't buy a new one so I stop thinking to throw it.

"Babeeeee....I need to see you." Fuck you. Why the hell Nick is calling me??? After many months has passed since that parking lot harassment?

"Veronica pls. Let's talk in person. I will send an address. If you want to come go, I will wait until 12." He said and I didn't say a thing.

"I know you're listening and I know that you don't want to talk to me. I know I hurt you a lot. I love you and I am sorry. For everything." He said then he ended the call. What is this sudden call ??? It's so weird and it's like he's saying goodbye like to the world. Did something happened to him??' Is he dying?

Oh my gosh! I knew it! He's dying??? Omg. Is it dad??? or granpa??? I panicked as I don't know whether to go or not. He's still a monster who hurt me a lot. Am I going or not? Noo way, I'll go. There's no way, I'll go.

I immediately check if there's anyone I know roaming around the hospital before going inside and luckily I don't see any familiar face.

Gosh, why is Nick in the same hospital with Sweet Pea, gosh this is so risky. What if Andre will see me??? OR WORSE. What if Jughead sees me?

Okay fine. I'll just listen to whatever Nick will say and I'll go immediately. That's the plan. It will be fine. I took the stairs to avoid people. And every step is heave for me, I don't know why but I donmt feel like talking to Nick now.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now