i don't know you anymore

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So we came back to Riverdale like nothing happened at all. The flight was kinda quiet because of what happened to Jughead, Betty, and Archie. They were all quiet. 

Travis, Cheryl, Reggie and I are the only one blabbling around the whole flight. It was kinda awkward when I see Betty and Archie. I hate them for betraying Jughead. I hate Betty for breaking Jughead like that.  She knew he already lost a lot and she still chose to left him and love someone.

Jughead and I acted like what I said even in the loft. No one is speaking but just a while ago he was making fun of me abt that 'night', you know what i mean.

We pretended like nothing happened like it was just a normal day but it's different to me. I was back to school and back in the same outfit I prefer and I was ready to walk into the hallway when I saw my husband talking to some random girl like they were together.

Since when did Jughead entertain girls not other than me, Cheryl and Betty? This is so new to me.

"Who is that girl?" Cheryl asked me and I shrugged. I don't even know her. I saw Betty looked at them in disgust before walking away with Archie comforting her. why would Betty act that way? She left him. Is he making her jealous or what?

"Who is she?" I also asked myself in jealousy as I saw them laughing together and Jughead arm is even in the girl's shoulder. Wth.

In just a few days, the Jughead we all know vanished. Then suddenly the cold boy from the famous band became the cassanova of the campus who replaced the Archie Andrews who's now smitten with the girl next door.

I can't believe it.

Jughead is dating and has dated a lot of girls and he changes girls like every week making them cry and playing with them.

I am soooooOoooooOo bursting right now. I don't even talk to him in the loft because I am so angry at him. He gives attention to his girl and ignore his wife? What kind of boy is that???? The worst is all of the girls he dated is tall like a model, pretty as fuck (but I am prettier) and lastly, you couldn't believe this—blonde!!! I am raven haired which is soooooo away from beimg blonde!!!!!

Every girl is Betty's replacement except the tallness Betty is not even tall. I sound bitter. He's trying to forget Betty while fucking this girls up who willingly climb to his bed because his girl is fucking someone. Yah. I don't even know if he fucks them, I am just so angry at him right now. If we talk, I might explode in anger and jealousy.

"You know what I fucking hate Forsthe Jugehad Jones." I mumbled and Cheryl chuckled like a freak

"You said that last summer. Exactly one year and five months ago and look at you right now, bursting in jealousy." She said chuckling then she added, "Like you want to marry him right away right now just to chain him to you."  I choked and when she said 'marry', I still haven't told Cheryl all pf those shit and it breaks my heart how I couldn't say it to her. It's been two months since I married Jughead.

"You know what, he's an asshole," I said as I looked at him whispering something to his 'week five' girl.

"Reggie even said that he now drinks and party in White Wyrm every night, the famous underground bar here," Cheryl whispered to me.

"What?" I asked in disbelief so that's why he's always out in night. He's been drinking. I don't know what to do with him anymore. Dang it.

We're like a ghost in this loft. We barely even see each other. Every time, I get here he's not here. Every time, I wake up he's leaving for school. Wow just wow. It's like I never have husband nor a roommate.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now