it's date

960 37 16

"The shoot will start in an hour, be ready. " My manager said and I nod at her. We're in South Korea right now. I've been here for two days to wind up and explore the city alone. My manager arrived yesterday for the shoot. It's for a health magazine.

It's supposed to be in HK but they change the location in the last minute so here I am in Seoul, South Korea. It's a freaking dream to be here because recently I am loving KDRAMAS.

"Sure, I am just resting and retouching," I said as I checked my phone and got some messages. Some are from Jughead and some are from friends. This is the first time he texted me. They must have been busy.

From Jughead:

hey, Veronica. Where are you?

did you receive my address?

Yes. But something came up. It's work.

then where are you? what work?

send your location through maps.

SoKor. Modeling.

I sent the location. What for? Does he think I am lying? Ok. I am not.

ok good. im glad that you're back

Thanks, hub :)

I hit send. Hub? What the hell?  But it's a cute endearment.

"That's wrap!" The director said and we finished it later than expected.

"Thank you for having me back," I said as I thank the other staffs and the photographer.

"It's a pleasure,"

"Someone's finding you in a lobby, he said he's your husband. He's wearing a bucket hat, glasses and a mask so I guessed it's a stalker so I ignored him," my manager said.

I chuckled lightly, "Husband? And duh who would stalk me? I speak of nothing about me being in Seoul—" I stopped realizing who it is.

"Is he still in the lobby or did you push him away?" I stood up fixing my robe since I am still wearing a robe as the shoot just happened but I just need to check. Immediately.

"Are you crazy? Don't tell me, you know him? He might be a stalker, V!" My manager said but I ignored her and went out immediately of the studio to go to him.

"And are you sure you're wearing THAT in public?!" She shouted frustrated at me and I just chuckled at her.

"It's Chanel. Just a minute, okay?!" I shouted back at her before rushing my way out. Love her but I need to check if it's him.

I went to the lobby to check but he's not there already. My excitement vanished into thin air. I sighed as I sat down in a sofa.

"Disappointed?" He said chuckling at me. And I look up and it's him! I immediately stood up.

"Why are you here?" I said looking at him and he just smiled.

"To see you. Who else should I see here?" He smirked after saying that. Ugh. I can't.

"Ah okay. So where did you go? I thought you left."

"I bought a coffee and a cookie," Then he handed me the paper bag that he's holding.

"Thanks! I thought it is another shirt and a hoodie?" I joked and we chuckled.

"Yeah. I would do it again if you fight like a freaking cat for MY shirt. You could just told me you want my shirts," Mocking me,I think?

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now