run away

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"Are you ready?" Jughead knocked in my door as I am still getting ready for the even that will happen tonight. I just wear a formal Channel dress and my favorite pair of heels.

"What do you think?" I asked as I open the door and he did not have any emotion on his face. He looked at me blankly and said, "You're okay?"

"Wow, you're so not good at compliments," I scoffed as I rolled my eyes and he quickly said, "You look so beautiful." I stare at him as my heart started to beat so rapidly. I can't say anything and just said, "H-huh?"

"Is that what you want me to say?" He mocked and he smirked so devilishly at me and he actually ruined the moment. I thought it was sweet until he mocked me and said that as a joke.

"Way to ruin the mood tonight," I said as I scowled at him, "Let's go, Jones." I said as we immediately go down to ride the limousine to the party.

"You know what, Jughead. After everything you revealed, you just give me a reason to stay with you forever. You're stuck with me," I said as we are dancing in the event as we are required to because people will stare at us. This is a charity ball by the way. But it's private that's why reporters are not allowed inside.

"Probably," He said cooly and I looked at him, "So do you accept me as your wife?" I said eagerly and he broke it by saying, "Didn't the priest asked that already," He chuckled so hard and I pat him on his back.

"Fuck," he cursed and I laughed, "Admit it, Jug. We're meant to be together, right? Right? Right?" I asked playfully at him tryibg to prove a point.

He just replied, "Whatever you say." What a talker. The dance is now finished and we sat to continue the event bla bla bla. It gets boring because the only people I know is my family and Jug's compared to my parents and Jug's parents they know everyone as we stopped too to greet who they greet. It's never ending greetings and short talks.

"Do you want to get away from here?" He said and my face just brightens so bright. "Oh gods. Yes, finally you asked. I'm getting bored," I said as I rolled my eyes at him as we sneaked out of the party.

"Why are we in the train station?" I said curiously and he smirked and I raised my brow saying, "What's on your mind?"

He smirked and said, "What do people do on train?" It's full of sarcasm indeed as he passed by me tp buy tickets in cashier.

But why are we here? My lips curved when I realized, "Oh. I like your idea of getting away..." I said excitedly and I hurriedly went to his side to see if he that he is actually buying a ticket to London! What the hell? An actual rich kid level trying to get away from a boring party for business and such.

I woke up leaning on Jug's shoulder but he didn't even complain. He said, "Get up now. I'm hungry," I got up on my seat and yeah, we're almost in our destination. I can't freaking believe it that we're in London.

"So what are we going to do here?" I asked excitedly roaming my eyes around the city and fuck it is so beautiful.

"Eat," He said and I chuckled at his reply and excitedly went to walk by his side. We roam around the city. I tried not to buy anything because first of all I don't have money.

Then we ate in coffee shop. It is so peaceful here. I looked at Jughead who is peacefully eating by himself not even minding me. He grabbed the burger and immediately bite it and I chuckled at his cute movement. He is so cute. I caught his attention and he said, "Just eat, Veronica..." I rolled my eyes and immediately do whatever he wants me to do.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now