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I'm on my way to meet Cheryl to attend the Serpents last show before they take break and it's beeeeeeen one of my greatest summer ever.

It really fucking makes me sad to think that my summer is going to be over now and I am going back to face the reality that I am going to be a college student of an elite art school soon.

I can now think about how boring my life could be in that school without Jughead Jones there. Crap.

"Veronica here!" Cheryl shoted while waving her hands and I noticed her immediately so I went to her and see Polly and Jason. Their last show is going to be here in the middle of soccer field that's why the place is crowded.

In the middle of their performance, I can't help but to stare at him for the whole concert. The way he strums his drumsticks so gracefully is so amazing and his eyes is filled with passion like it's the thing he really loves to do.

And comparing to mine, I haven't really felt that burning passion in me that's why I am not really sure if I can enjoy college soon. I was pressured by my parents because they really want me to take some business related courses but I followed my heart and now I am not sure anymore.

"Archi is so hot, oh my gosh." Cheryl muttered trying not to scream.

"Babe, excuse me your boyfriend is here right beside you," Travis said chuckling snaking his hand on Cheryl's waist. "Of course babe, I love you and I love Archie too." Cheryl said chuckling as Travis kissed him shortly and I rolled my eyes at them as they laugh at me being so bitter.

Yes. Cheryl and Travis are in a realtionship for a year now and I admire their loyalty and love for each other. Travis let her fangirl over Acrhie because he knows that Cheryl likes Archie just for his music not romantically so it's fine.

"You should get a boyfriend too, V." Cheryl said as she watches The Serpents in the stage.

"Yeah, soon because he's a star and I can't reach him for now," I said looking at him in the stage.

Ughhh. When will I ever know him? I want to get to know him so bad. There is that one thing that I don't know that is making me do crazy things just for him to notice me. Maybe it's the chase? Ughh, IDK.

"Ughhh, there are sooo many boys who want you. Just pick some random rich boys to date," Cheryl said as I rolled my eyes again.

"That's why I am chasing someone who doesn't want me. It's going to be exciting." I said to her and she gave me that I know who it is look. It is all probably new to me that's why I badly want him to like me. Buuuut is that all? I don't think so.

"One new york cheesecake, please." i said over the counter as I texted Cheryl where the party for The Serpents first album success and tour is celebrated.

I decided to grab some cake to give to them since this is going to be the last time I can see them again face to face. Heartbreaking. Am I not going to see Jughead Jones again? Fuck.

I went out of the car to look for the club where the party is happening because Cheryl just send me a location and she didn't even said their exact location inside the club.

"Cheryl, thanks for that informative message," I sarcastically said very tired because I've been all over the club and seen some horrible super make outs and went to some private rooms which I haven't still of picture out of my head.

She shouted at me, "I was too busy dancing!! Omg, this is our fave song of The Serpents. Let's go." She suddenly grabbed me in the dance floor and she started dancing in every beat and so is me.

I dance gracefully in the beat of music as my eyes landed on those ocean eyes who are looking intensely to me. I smirked to the fact that he saw me first tonight.

I started walking towards him and I looked to see where he was standing but the crowd covered the sight of him and he was gone.

And suddenly someone grabbed me—
"Veroncia," He whispered to me as he hugged me and I am completely resisting but he hugged me tighter. I looked to see him and the fire within me started to build up.

"Let me go, Nick." I said firmly as I pushed him away and I started to walk fastly out of the club. When I was in the prkinv lot he grabbed me in my wrist so tight that my bones almost broke.

"Nick. Let me go. It hurts..." I said firmly trying to stay away from him. I am disgusted in the way he hold me and the way he looked at me right now. I can't believe that I spend my years liking this boy. I am so stupid to see his fucking true form.

"I still love you, Veronica. Please forgive me," He said slowly looking at me intensely and Iwanttokillhim.

"You STILL love me?! Wow. If you did, you never should have done those things to me. You ruined me, Nick. The moment I saw you in that room with a girl, you're dead to me. I forgave you once and gave you another chance but you wasted it. We are so over, Nick." I said firmly trying not to cry as I bit my lips.

"Baby, pleaseee... Forgive me. I don't have a choice. I didn't mean it. I was drunk. Okay?" He said as he trued to hug me but I pushed him away. I am disgusted. Drunk his face, he clearly fucking enjoy it. And I don't want to be involve with a fucking monster.

"Nick. No. Get away from me. You're hurting me." I said firmly to him. But suddenly he pushed me in the front of his car and he pinned me down.

"Why? Are you fucking someone right now? You didn't want it to do with me but I know you fuck a lot of boys. Stop trying to be a saint. You're a fucking slut." He said to me angrily as he started to lean towards to kiss me.I pushed him away with all my strength but he's too strong. I couldn't do anything.

I remember on my 18th birthday, that night when we got drunk, he almost forced himself to me but I stopped him because I wasn't still ready and I pushed him away. Since that day, everytime I talk with other boys, he always got angry by telling me that I was flirting and stuff and it's fucking toxic.

Our relationship got so toxic. He became toxic. He started cheating when he didn't get satisfied by our make outs. He wanted sex but I couldn't give it to him so he cheated because of his fucking desires. Then he ruined me to blame everything to me to take care of his reputation.

"Nick! Get away from me! Stop—mmmh. Stop. Please stop—Mmmmm." I started to push him closing my mouth so but again nothing's happening. His hand began to land on my waist up to my abdomen and the other hand is in my wrist pinning me so I couldn't push him.

My tears started to pool on my eyes. "N-nick. S-stop—" A loud sound of startled me and I see Nick on the floor. So suddenly. In a blink of an eye. I sobbingly looked up to see who it is. My breath hitched. Oh gosh.

I immediately wiped my tears away. I was in a point of my life where I felt like a trash and I was so helpless.

I don't even know how to face him anymore. Why did he appear now? In that middle of helplessness. I feel so ashamed.

I can't face him anymore.

"J-jughead?" I asked looking at him. And I all I can see in his face is disgust, pity and anger are all written in his face. And I don't know what's worse because right now, I want to run away.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now