butterflies no more

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It is raining hard and I am still waiting for Betty to come. She said she will pick Jughead? Where is she????

Jughead had been murmuring curses in his breath and it's obvious that he's cold. He suddenly stood up drunkly to go to the middle of the park. It's raining!!! What is he thinking.

"I think the clouds are crying."He sat down in one of the swings. If the situation isn't like this I should have video this and send to him as a blackmail but no. I can feel his sadness pouring like the rain.

We're in the middle of the park while staring at the pouring rain. He drank a lot. I can tell. He's talking too much. Things that are personal. Moments that are meant for someone.

"I need to go..." He said as he went togo to his car.

"Jughead no! You're drunk!" I said as I tried to stop him. "Please stop." I whispered as I hugged him behind. The moment I will let go, he will rushed to his car to go I don't know where.

"Let me go. I need to go to Sweet pea." My tears started to fall. He's punishing himself.

"Jughead stop, please." I said but he didn't said a thing. Instead he fell in his knees.

"The whole truth Betts is sweet pea decided to auditioned solo in some recording company. He used my song. They didn't want the band. They want him solo. He accepted it." I gasped. That's why. Omg. I can't breathe.

"Whaaat...He cannot do it, Jug. I am sure of it. He didn't accept it. Who said that?" I am pretty sure that they just said a false fact to trick Jughead.

"I-I confronted him and he didn't say a word. H-he said he's thinking about it. I told him to get lost. I t-told him that he's not part of our dreams anymore. I have s-said it out of my anger j-just because I heard it from others." He breathed as he cursed again and he continued to tell me.

"I-I shouldn't said it to him. I-I am fucking afraid to admit it that I believed the one who said it just because they have pictures of him entering the company. I was blinded by anger and betrayal. I fucking feel betrayed. I am afraid to admit that maybe it wasn't true and maybe I became the fucking reason why we cannot share our music to the world anymore." He explained as he cried again and again while I was hugging him while he's on his knee. He's shaking.

"Again. It wasn't your fault. Please Jugheaaad, don't blame yourself. Please, remove the misery deep inside you. Stop—" I was stopped by him when he suddenly grabbed me and kissed me so hard with full of desperation that maybe through kisses his sadness can be shared. Maybe he wants to share the pain to others.

I couldn't help myself but to kissed him back. I suddenly backed away when I hear a car making its way towards us.

It's Betty—the girl he loves and the girl who supposed to be kissed by him.

"Mija, why are you crying?" I looked up to see Dad. Oh god. Dad's here? In my condo?

"Nothing, dad. It's just nothing. Wy are you here?" I said to him. My dad is a manipulative one. He likes to control things for me and my mom. We're like his puppets. I dated every boy he arranged with me and I found reasons to break up with them—I introduced them to Nick, my ex childhood friend and my ex bf.

And Dad found his family useful so he told me to keep dating him but I really loved him before he changed into someone I couldn't recognise anymore.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He joked as he scan my condo. "You should have a bigger condo than this. Riverdale has a lot of condominiums."

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now