worst of you

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"You may kiss the bride," the priest said and I almost throw up. This is a freaking mess. I can't be here with Jughead. He looks like his enjoying this game but I don't. It's been two days since that epic dinner and now we're here.

Funny how my parents trust him so much after he exosed Nick. I wonder what happened to him. Should I contact him? Ugh, i don't know.

"Is this necessary?" Jughead asked and our parents laughed at his remark. We didn't talk for two days after that freaking dinner and now we're marrying each other—married each other.

"Boy, don't tell me you don't know how to kiss?" My father joked at him and maybe that triggered him. And suddenly leaned towards me and kissed me. The kiss is becoming deeper and deeper until I already ran out of breath and until our fathers coughed and coughed to stop our kissing.

"I may now pronounce you as husband and wife," The priest said. This is not my dream wedding nor my dream. We just got married. I can't fucking believe it.

My mother is the mayor of Riverdale so it is easy to get access in this kind of secret situation. The only witnesses are our parents and the only proof is the paper. We are so young to get married they said that we will remarry soon in church when we're already ready..

"This is the key to your new loft, you two should stay there from now on. I have eyes on both of you...." My granny said to me and I almost choked to death and before I can say a thing my grand dad spoke again, "And this another key is for your new sports car added to your collection,Jones boy. This is a gift for your wedding and for taking good care of my grand daughter. Drive our little girl anywhere she goes," My grand dad said without even looking at me. Wow, I am the grand daughter not him, right?

"Uhhh, granny I don't think it's a good idea...not the car. But I  the loft is too much? We're still students and I don't think it's a good idea to live together." I said not thinking about the freaking gift. Why the hell are they planning to do to us? Of course, arranging us to each other like we're gonna fall to each other duh. He has already fallen to another girl and idk what made him even do this. I guess for the benefits? Not to me but the shares and for his family.

"We'd love to take it, Grandpa." Jughead said as he took the key from my granny. And I glared at him angrily. What the hell...I hate him! And he just smirked as he pull me closer to him. Wow.

"Lil Jones, if ever I don't see my daughter every time I visit the loft—you know what it means." My dad walked towards us saying it to Jones like they are even close what the hell they just met each other like two days ago? Sighs.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lodge, I will not let her get away from me." He said as his arm snaked around my waist pretending to be the good husband my parents want him to be and both granny and daddy both chuckled at his remark.

"You're not allowed to tell anyone," Jones started as we both arrived in this new loft decorated with black and white furnitures. I rolled my eyes at his remark.He's a two-faced man! I can't believe him. In front of my family, he's the goody boy they know and now he's back to this arrogant, mean and cold self.

"As if I would," I scoffed and start grabbing my bags inside the first room. I sighed in relief when I see two rooms. I got back to the dining table where he is still sitting down there.

"Let's talk," He said drunkly and I nod as I sat. "Let's talk about how you got us into this mess." He said and I rolled my eyes in anger.

"Me?! Who fucked my plan to get you out of this marriage? I almost sacrificed...Whatever, Jughead." I said not talking about Nick.

"Then let's suffer together. Being married without the love, being stuck in this loft together without any feelings—just like that. It's easy. Time passes and after a year let's end this. Let's just satisfy what our parents want. I know you like me but one thing for sure, I'll never like you because I hate you, Veronica Lodge. I hate you so fucking much." He said as he drink another bottle of whatever alcohol is that. Since Sweet pea accident, I can see that he's been dependent to alcohol which is obviously bad for his health. I hate him okaaaay but I can't stop caring about him argh!  I want to stop him but I can't. He won't listen to me.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now