i don't wanna love u anymore

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The Serpents, boy band from the town of Riverdale, is now a rising stars all over the world

The Serpents are now famous internationally—which makes me really proud to see my friends achieve their dreams. They had a world tour last year and but they didn't come in Paris. They went to all over America, Asia, and Australia. All of the songs in their albums are sooo good. It's all about different forms of love—some are heartbreaking some songs make you wanna fall in love too.

I should be happy, right? I shouldn't regretting anything right now? If I didn't leave, their career's probably over however why am I sulking in this bar like I am regretting the decision I've made three years ago.

Fuck it.

It's been three years...why can't I forget everything about him? I even stopped supporting them online and listening to their songs but nada every bits of memories are still fresh in my mind.

"Noah Centineo, the rising star, what the hell are you doing here..." I said drunkly when I saw a familiar person heading towards me. I am so fucking drunk.

"What hell are you doing here..." He said and I chuckled at him. He is my co-star in a movie where I was the rich bitch who stole him from his prim and proper girlfriend—who is also his real life girlfriend.

Yes, I am making some money doing some acting through movies and series. I am specifically known in acting as a rich girl who stole boys away from the female lead. I've become the person that all of my batchmates in HS wanted me to be and I became that in the world of acting—the rich bitch who stole boys and she gets everything she wants.

Well, it's sad that one of my reasons leaving Jug is for my own dream as becoming a designer but that didn't happen due to some fucking reasons.

Luckily, I made my own name in acting industry and modeling— I am pretty known here in Paris and I am proud of it because I am something without my parents name and help plus it's not business. It's complicated but I know I have reached my dreams.

"I don't know.." I said drinking another glass of wine. Fine. It's been three years since I left but it's still him. He has always been. But he is probably back together with Betty or with a new girl or whatever.

"Lana Condor and I broke up..." he said sadly and he drinks.

"Omg? Your screen and real-life partner? That's sad..." I said surprised and I raised a brow at him to explain further then he chuckled.

"We mutually feel like we're just forced and we're just pushed to love each other because of our fans and the people around us and I don't think I like that feeling so I broke up with her...I feel tired whenever we got for dates people will take photos and we don't have private time anymore...it's suffocating. People's eyes are always around us." He explained as I nod and nod, "Yeah. It's hard being a star. Privacy is not a thing anymore—they want everything exposed abot you. They want your perfect life but once you make a mistake—it's all over. They are just so into stars to the point that they even want to watch you become a meteoroid—fallen star." He sadly chuckled at my reply.

"You...what are you doing here..." He asked then finally the songs is played in the bar: I don't wanna love you anymore.

"I...I just," I didn't continue what I am about to say because a familiar song comes out.

'I used to love these sheets, dark hair against the white' I shed a tear when I hear his voice. Jughead's voice. This is the first time I will listen to their songs that is sang by him. I tried so hard to avoid his voice because I will fucking miss him and now it hit me big time.

'I missed watching you get dressed in our hazy bedroom light. It took a couple weeks...Last night I finally cried. I remembered us in London, your chocolate covered eyes.' His voice is so fucking beautiful. Usually Archie's the one who's singing but this song, the whole song is sang by him. This song is also written by him for me—I am pretty sure.

"Lodge...you're crying..." Noah said and I chuckled lightly brushing my tears away, "No shit, Sherlock." I said and I still cry and cry. I look crazy. People are starting to stare at me and some are familiar faces.

'Sick of staring up at the ceiling. How'd you change your mind just like that?' I didn't Jug. I don't have a choice.

"I left him because I have no choice, Noah. I just...I still love him...it's been three years but still him..." I started and he looked at me confused because he didn't know a thing or who I even talk abt. I added while weeping, "I can't help but to think...what if...what if I stay? What if I fight for our love? What if...So many what ifs..."

'The only way to get past this feeling
Is to tell myself you're not coming back.' I probably won't come back. I don't want him to stop loving me but I fucking left him after the fight and after assuming that he still has feelings for Betty. I cried when something came up to me. He couldn't express his feelings into words but he can in writing songs. I weeped to cry again.

"Oh god. He loved me.He fucking loved me," I said like a whisper while crying and Centineo hugged me to comfort me but I can't help but to cry again. He did say it. He fucking said he loved me when he sang the song he had writen in his notebook—the ilysb. Fuck it.

'I don't wanna love you anymore. I don't wanna love you anymore. From the start, I never thought, I'd say this before. But I don't wanna love you anymore' (I noticed the songs that are used in my story are by Lany AGAIN HAHAHAHA, guys recommend some good band songs pls....) Maybe he did love me. I don't know. I don't fucking know. I know he couldn't express his emotions easily but I fucking felt his love but now it's too late. Too fucking late to come back to his arms.

Why am I stupid to let the pain take over my feelings to him? And why am I still into him after all these years? I am so dumb.

"Lodge, do you want to talk about it...Let's grab a coffee..." He said and he even offered his hankie and I nod and grabbed his hankie and he even helped me got up on my seat.

"Thank you, Centineo." I said wholeheartedly. I probably do something stupid without him by my side. We grabbed a coffee in the nearest coffee shop and we went in a park facing the tower. We were just talking and sipping our coffees.

We talked about our love life and lives. I also shared how I moved here from NYC and shared my beautiful tragic love life too. My first love which is Nick and then my true love—Jughead Jones but I didn't tell his name. I told him the gist not all of course.

"Oh...I don't get it. You left for him because it's the right thing? Where both of you will suffer? Why not stay and fight for your love?" He asked and I nod as I sip my coffee, "I can't stay. The good thing is we both achieved our dreams. You know, he is a rising performer and I didn't want to be hindrance for him. If I fight, I'll lose because I have no chance in competing with his dreams. Plus, I doubted his feelings toward me—I was scared to ask about what he feels about me so I let my jeaolusy ate me. If I stay, The Serpents wouldn't be where they are right now..." I said and he gasped. Oops. I just spilled something.

"Holy fuck...The Serpents? Man! I am a big fan of them." He said as he chuckled and I looked at him in disbelief. Fan boy? Noah Centineo is a freaking fan boy?!

"Oops. Really?" I asked and he nod.

"You need to tell me which one of them?" He said eagerly and I chuckled and said, "Come, I'll whisper it." I am laughing internally because I am just messing with him.

As he leaned closer I whispered, "It's a fucking secret." He immediately backed away and flashed his middle finger to me, "Fuck, you're killing me." I laughed hysterically at him as he just watched me made fun of him.

"Let's go. I'll drive you home. What's your adress?" Noah said and I completely agreed because I am so tired before I even answered his question everyone went black.

hey guys!!! i love you all. xoxo, artemis

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now