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"Yeah, can you reserve a VIP ticket for the concert of The Serpents in the Philippines?" It's been two weeks since I came back in NYC finding Jughead and it turns out that they were rehearsing for the past weeks and now they are finally continuing their tour in Asia.

Last week, they were in Japan but I failed to go that because I came back to Paris for days to fix the issue and the viral video. I said in an interview that Houston and I broke up due to personal reasons because that's also what Houston suggested. Houston and I are friends. We even went for a coffee date with his date, a famous model, and it went so well.

I'm starting again in my modeling career. In fact, I have already an upcoming shoot for a magazine and we had just a meeting last week in Paris, we shot some photos and we will continue it in Hongkong, I guess? So it's a perfect timing that I am going to Philippines.

"It's already sold out? Can I request one?" Ahhh. I should have known. I am so stupid but I can't accept that. I have ways.  Should I contact Archie, Sweet pea or Reggie?

"Oh...okay...Fine...Thank you." I am so fuming mad, I can't have the ticket. The tickets are already sold out but I can't let that happen. But that didn't stop me. It's four days before their concert in PH and I bet they are already there so I already bought a plane ticket to Philippines.

"You owe me one again but since you were my secretary, I'll give my ticket to you," Houston said and I just chuckled, "Yes. Thank you, Vic. And sorry for bothering you," I said and he nods. I immediately go and pack my luggage for a trip.

Just wait for me, Jughead.

When they heard Archie's voice, everyone started screaming out their lungs. I am already here in the arena and I wear a bucket hat and glasses just to hide my identity a little because I am scandalous remember?

Watching him play drums, play his guitar and sing feel like a dream. It's his dream and I cannot contain my happiness seeing him doing what he loves the most in the world. Spreading his music and fullfiling his twin's dream that eventually become his passion. He's so happy and I can't stop looking at him so bad appreciating a rowl of art.

*plays want you back by 5SOS

'Can't help but wondering if this' Btw, I am trying so hard to hide myself form Jughead because I am still nervous af. However, Archie already noticed me in the middle of their concert and he smirked to me knowing who is my reason for going here in the Philippines.

Damn it. Why am I even hiding? This is my goal right? To find Jughead?

'Is the last time that I'll see your face'

'Is it tears or just the fucking rain?' When Archie sang that line, it started raining on the stage and they looked hotter when they are soaked on the rain. Omg. I even got pushed by the other fans in the VIP area because they want a closer looked on their abs. DUUUUUH.

"Oh gosh! Jughead's so hot!!!" Someone said while giggling and I almost puch their freaking face. Who said they can take pictures of Jughead looking so hot like that?

Lucky for me, I already seen one of those and luckier for me again, I even touched it.  Oh my gosh. That sounds so perverted. I am just looking at Jughead the whole somg until he sings his line.

'No matter where I go, I'm always gonna want you back' This time Jughead's singing the kast chorus of the song emotionally.

'I'm always gonna want you back'

'No matter how long you're gone, I'm always gonna want you back' When he sang this line, our eyes met and he was shocked for a moment. We even looked at each other intensely and my awkward self waved a hand on him and then he looked away. Maybe he did not notice me or he did not want to.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now