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"You really like taking advantage of me huh, last time in the airplane now in bed," He said in his husky voice as I tried to open my eyes that are blinded by the sunlight.

I woke up hugging Jughead Jones what the hell is that. I immediately remove the way my hands are all over his naked body!! Argh. Why did I even do that. I can't really stay away from him.

"Where are you going, wife? I like your nighties," Jug said as he chuckled making fun of me again, "Did you wear it for me?"

"You know what fuck off Jug," I said firmly stoping him from getting so close to me. I can't take it anymore. Oh gosh,

"Are you afraid of me? Of what I can do to you? Of how will you body reacts to my presence?" He said raising his brow to me and smiling devilishly while walking closer to me.

I stood straight and looked at him firmly, "Of course not why would I be afraid of—" He cut me off by kissing me so suddenly I got caught up. Stuck in this kitchen counter.

What the hell. I don't know what's gotten into me because I fucking kissed him back. Right here. While he was guiding me to sit down in the kitchen counter. We were practically making out here—our hands all over our bodies colliding.

Our lips crashed to each other craving like they can't be apart. Gosh, his touch is making me crazy. His lips started to move down to my jaw then to my neck, "Jug..." I moaned because I fucking help it anymore.

"Jug.." But he continued and continued as his hands are now all over my body as well as mine all over his abs. Now his hands are on my thighs—caressing it. My breath hitched when I felt it move closer and closer to my inner thighs until his hands are now seeking an entrance to my v—you know what I mean.

"Veronica, get ready we're going to have a coffee with Jughead's family and stroll around," One knock brought me back to reality and before we even realized it, the door opened. We immediately stopped what the hell are we even doing.

Jughead cursed and cursed, "Fuck." And I am as pretty much startled as he was. But one thing I know, we both wanted it too bad.

"Oh diyos miyo," Mom said as she chuckled lightly in what she just saw. She is absolutely stunned by what she just witnessed.

"Mom..." I started to explain but she just cut me off.

"Oh don't worry, mija. It's pretty much what young lovers would do here in Paris." She stated chuckling at us.

"I—uhm. It's great to see you, Mrs. Lodge," Jughead said as he saw my Mom. Stuttering.

"Call me mom, Jones. Come on, fix yourselves up. Gladys and FP Jones are wanting to meet your wife," Mom said and that made my heart explodes. Before she leaves she said, "Next time, locked the door."

"Gladys?" I asked. Omg. What if his mom doesn't like me? I don't know his mom! I didn't research that back then. My gosh, I should have research his family too not just the band and its members. I am so stupid.

"W-what? My mom is back? Why did she suddenly..." Jughead asked curiously at my mom but she just smiled at Jug.

"Yes, Jughead. Gladys Jones is back with Jellybean," Mom said and I can feel Jughead's excitement and agony in the way he asked the questions. I don't what's worst. I didn't know this side of him. He has a sister??? 'Jellybean' is kinda a weird name though even the name 'Jughead'.

Jughead cursed and he ran his fingers through his hair like he couldn't believe what he just heard, "Fuck..."

"Hi, I'm Veronica Lodge. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jones," I said which is kinda robotic to hear but still I smiled very sweetly to her and she smiled at me too before accepting my hand. Her vibes is kinda weird though I don't know but she makes me feel nervous.

"Are you Jughead's wife?" She asked and I nod, "Hmmm. Is he taking care of you properly?" She asked and I smiled.

"Well, yes. Very." I said then Jughead came to us wrapping his arm around my waist. We're in a very aesthetic coffee shop near the Eiffel tower where you can actually see the tower again.

"Mom, it's been years and that's the first thing you want to ask to my wife?" He said chuckling at his mom and they both hugged each other very very tight. "I missed you, mom. It's been a year since I visited you two and it's been five years since you left," He said to his mom as they finally let go their hugs. And I feel like I need to go but Jug held my hand tightly.

Gladys replied, "I missed you too, son. And now you're actually married. What is your father thinking? You're missing all the fun," Nope. He's not actually. He is enjoying his girls back in the university. Don't worry, mom.

"I'm twenty-one turning 22, mom. I'm fine," He said firmly. And Jellybean came to us. Jughead hugged her very tightly like he doesn't want to let go of his sister anymore, "You're taller now, JB." He whispered to his sister.

"Hi, I'm JB and I heard you are my brother's wife. He is very lucky to have a beautiful girl like you," She said to me sweetly and I couldn't help but to be flattered by him.

"No, I'm luckier and you're prettier. It's in the genes," I said and I winked at her. Jughead just smirked boastfully, "You finally got it right, Veronica." I pinch is hand as a sign of he's suoer annoying.

Gladys chuckled, "We can finally have something in common," We both chuckled.

"I believe that's the truth, Mrs. Jones." I said and she said, "Call me mom, Veronica dear. You're a lovely girl," She said tapping my shoulders and I replied, "Thanks, mom."

I am so tired from this trip. I didn't know that we'll walk around, I should have brought my sneakers with me. We were in Auvers-Sur-Oise, France where Vincent Van Gogh lived. We were walking around the place and it was truly an art. We were roaming aroun France before the business event takes place in three days. Dad said it's a waste of time if we just stayed in Paris.

"Oh dang it," I said as I tripped down in my own. "I am so stupid," My feets hurt like hell but I didn't want to slow down our trip. Everyone is so excited to walk around the place. I tried walking around but I am limping.

"You okay?" Jughead said and I nod. He chuckled when I nod as if he cares and he smirked when he saw my face hince in pain.

"You're a pretty liar," He said and I turn around to see him watching me in pain. "So what? Will you do something if I said I am hurt?" I said to him then his playful eyes turned to empty cold eyes as he clicked his tongue then he walked past by me. Yeah. That was I am saying.

He stopped in front of me and he bent as he said, "Hop on." Is this a piggyback ride? "No way," I said as I looked at his back.

"Hop on or I'll pick you up like a sack," He threatened me with his cold eyes. "Fine," I scoffed at him and that made me hopped on his back carefully as he started to walk now with me on his back. I didn't know that he is capable of being kinda sweet.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now