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We're still in London. We already informed our parents about our whereabouts and they want us back in Paris in three days and we agreed so we can all go back to Riverdale.

We were just chilling in London—enjoying our times eating and drinking coffee and talking about life and others. He also enjoyed teasing me a lot and annoying me for days now. I don't know but I love us this way. I love how we became comfortable to each other. We share our thoughts comfortably.

"Breakfast?" Jug asked and I raised my brow and smiled at him, "Of course!" I paused the movie that I am watching in Netflix and immediately ran to the kitchen to see what he is cooking. Oh gosh. It taste and smell so delicious.

"Gosh, this is heaven," I said as I scanned the table. He just looked at me as he sat down in front of me. I started wating the pancakes and waffles and the classic bacon and egg.

"You're not gonna eat?" I asked as I looked at him watching me eating and he just shrug.

"Are you enjoying a live mukbang? Eat, Jughead," I said and he just chuckled, "Watching you is already enough besides that I don't like to eat food today." He said and I raised a brow at him.

I flirted back and said, "What do you want to eat husband or rather who do you want?" Then we both burst out of laughter he smirked at me and said to me, "You're leveling up your rebuttals."

"Try me," I said raising a brow at him challenging him at annoying at each other plus flirting. I suddenly notice a little notebook in his side and grabbed it.

"What's this?" I said as I scan his notebook and the writing and I raised a brow while Jughead is trying to get his notebook back.

"That's confidential. You might leaked it," He said to me and then I said, "I am freaking loyal to the Serpents! How dare you,"

I threw his notebook in his face because of my annoyance but I didn't mean to hit his face and he reacted and said, "Fuck. Ouch. Are you mad?" I didn't reply to him making him think that I am mad because I am planning something. I want to hear his voice.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just it's been a while since I write a song for the album it's been months and I don't know just don't feel proud of my works lately," He said and I nod and said, "Yeah. I know. But you know what, as long as it's from your heart and as long as you love doing that it will be fucking amazing and a hit. That's why I'm always here as your fan to support you through thick and thin. Through ups and downs, I'm always a fan when it comes to The Serpents that's why stop doubting me because trust me, I can be trusted." I said smiling a bit to him while hoping for him to open up because I really want us to understand each other even just as a close friends or more or whatever.

"Yeah. Just because ever since their betrayal, I become really scared to let my guard down or to trust someone again because I almost let it down. Luckily, I didn't fall way too hard for her so I had the chance to walk away and forget everything," He explained and I am trying to analyze it and all I know is he's talking about Betty and Archie's betrayal and his love for Betty.

"Tbh, I wasn't hurt because Betty loved someone and chose someone over me. I was hurt because they keep it a secret to me—my two best friends lied to me. It fucking hurts. But that time, I actually realize that I didn't love Betty all along. We both know that we don't love each other because maybe we're just used to seeing each other," He said and I looked at him. IDK. But the way he said that he didn't love Betty, made my heart beat. I am actually assuming that I might have a chance with him.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now