say it

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"Yeah. I am ready. I'm a little bit dizzy," I said to my manager as I fixed my outfit. We're actually shooting a magazine feature for Calvin Klein today.


hey where are you???

Well, I have a partner in this shoot so I didn't tell Jug about it because it's pretty revealing.

They are actually on a break right now because after their tour in Asia. They have one month of free of schedules.

Babe, just some modeling around NYC. Sorry. Didn't want to wake you up. I left a note on your kitchen.

I replied. Because ever since our trip in Seoul, we've been together. It's the best thing that happened. I basically live in his unit for like a week now. I've never been this happy.

ok. ive just read it. see you later, babe

The shoot started. In the middle of it, I saw a familiar man watching me. With his jaw clenched, looking annoyed as ever. I knew he would never like this. Fuck, even from afar and even with his bucket hat and glasses, he's recognizable.

I can't even concentrate with my work right now. I am distracted and the director is actually annoyed at me right now. Oh gosh, this the first time I get scolded by a director.

"Just chill. You look distracted," Kevin whispered to me chuckling as we posed for another couple shoot. Kevin is also part of a band, I don't the name but they are pretty famous too in NYC. He's the vocalist.

How can I chill when I can see Jug looking at me like that? Is he mad because I lied? Dang it...

"Yeah, kinda..." I said while trying to focus really really bad but Kev's face is so close to me. How can I? I am used to this so why am I acting like it's my freaking first time to model with someone. I act so unprofessional.

But anyways, I continued with my job and found Jughead nowhere in his spot. Where did he go???

"Okay. Cut!" The director said and finally I can find Jughead. I changed my clothes in to my casual one—blouse, pearls, mini skirt and my Louboutin heels. And talked to my manager about having a coffee then going home on my own.

To Jug:

Where are you? I saw you.

He didn't even replied. Where is he? I started to walked around to find him outside the building. I saw him sitting in the coffee shop but I will not see him there.

He saw me and we looked at each other.
Some paparazzi might take photos especially we're in NYC. People are everywhere! I mean everywhere. Look at that cafe, it's crowded. I can't risk it. He can't risk it.

             I am sorry. Are u mad?

You know I can't go there. Can we just go home?

I saw him looked at his phone. Meanwhile, my manager grabbed me suddenly out of nowhere and said, "I forgot we're going to Kev's party."

"What? Like now? Can you go without me? I have something to do, check up with Dr. Adelina," I looked at Jug and he seemed curious to what we're talking about.

"No. 8 pm. Kevin says he will pick you up. And what? You're sick?" She said

"I can go on my own and I'm not sick, just some check up, wanting to find whether what I'm feeling is right," I said looking away from her

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now