falling star

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I woke up feeling the pain in my head. Gosh. The hangover. What the heck happened? And where the hell am I? I started thinking what happened.

"Dang it, Centineo." I said as I scan the condo. We talked and I freaking passed out bc of too much alcohol obvi. Nothing happened between us of course we're just friends.

However, what bothers me is what if people saw us? Oh gosh. No freaking way.

"Centineo?!" I said as I scan the condo. Oh. He's in the shower.

18 missed call

20 missed call

My phone rang and rang and I looked at it—my manager and agency had been calling me. Why do they suddenly called me early in the freaking morning. It's nine freaking am. Not to be mean, bit I know that I don't have any schedule today.

"I'm leaving now!" I shouted as a good bye but no one answered. Is he deaf? I immediately went out of his room and used to elevator and as soon as I got out of the condominium.

"What the..." A lot of reporters swarm  into me and I don't even know why. The light was blinding me and they were pushing each other to me. I don't have anyone to guard me by the way bc I don't need one.

"Is it true?!" One of the reporters asked. And a lot more questions were thrown at me. Questions that I don't even expect to be asked. Questions that are unbelievable but yet believable by the media.

'Did you steal Noah away from Lana?'

'Do you know how much the fans of Noah and Lana hate you now?'

'Are you sleeping with Noah?'

'Are you aware that paparazzis took a photo of you and Noah kissing?'

'Some of the fans said the you seduce Noah. Is that true?'

And another question came and another one and another one and it's all making me dizzy add the hangover effects. I can't even answer them because what they were asking are a lot of false accusations.

Oh right. Stupid me. How can I not forget that Noah is a famous rising star? Gosh DAMN IT. This is so not good. That's why my manager and ceo are calling me. This is a fucking mess and a fucking mistake.

"All of your questions are accusations. Noah and I are just friends. Nothing happened. So if you all excuse me," I said almost firmly at them  making a way but I can't move and a lot of questions are thrown again. I just stood there frozen until Noah came and dragged me out of the hell hole.

"Damn it. Lodge," He said until we went back to his condo where it is safe because the reporters aren't allowed inside the building.

"I'm fucking sorry, Centineo. I didn't know. What have I done. What the hell happened," I started looking at him and he clenched his jaw.

"Don't be sorry, Lodge. It's not your fucking fault—it's theirs. We were just drinking and talking but now we have a scandal. Sadly, everything to them is a fucking big deal. We're on top searches which is a fucking mess specially in your side. You don't want to see their comments about you...I am sorry."He said looking so stressed at the fact of it and he ran his fingers all over his head.

"Oh well, my life's fucking over," I said whispering. And by the looks of it, I am the "third party". I just got caught leaving his condo which means people will assume again that we're sleeping together that cause their break up.

"Okay, we believe you. But the netizens and their fans didn't. They blame you for everything," My manager said after I explained everything to them. They said that should not open my twitter but I did.

'She went out of Noah's condo. What a whore,'

'Noah chose a slut over a queen. What a shame,'

'Real-life rich bitch who gets everything she wants'

'She's such a whore for seducing Noah like that,'

'Oh my gosh, I knew it. She is also a rich bitch and a slut in reality'

'Noah and Lana probably broke up because of her,'

A lot of negative reactions from their fans obviously and I cannot help but to be annoyed but I got nothing to do. It hurts actually. But I am used to being a slut, rich bitch and whore—I heard it all. I know it. That's my reputation in high school which is not really true and now it happens again. History repeats itself.

"How bad it is?" I asked and my manager looked at her phone. She looked disappointed.

"Really really bad. We lost some upcoming projects both in modeling and acting—those assholes just canceled it after they heard the news. And some of their obssessed fans sent some snakes in cages and dead threats in your apartment and to us," I gasped and said, "What the hell?" My career has officially ended.

"Some are really obssesed with Noah and his love life. People want to hurt you verbally and physically for what happened last night. That's how the people act now," She said and I rebutted, "I didn't do anything wrong! We were just...we were just talking I swear. No kissing and sex if that's what they want to show."

"But that's not how the media see it. No matter what is the truth they make their own truth because they have 'proofs'— in the bar, park, and condo. It's all fell into places," She explained and I nod and nod almost crying because they have a fucking solid 'proof'. If that's even a proof. Geez. Yeah, they can say that but the truth will prevail.

It's funny how social media influences everyone even if it is not proven. One picture destroyed my career. This would have happened to Jughead if I stay three years ago. I made the right choice. My brain concluded and I can't help but to agree.

"I'm so sorry, Peach," I said to my manager accepting my defeat in debating with them because since day one she's really supportive of me. She handles everything and supports me in every success I earned up until now even in my downfall.

"What s-should....what should I do..." I started and I can't help but to break my voice that will eventually leads to crying and she said and hugged me, "Take a break. Far away from here where fans can't hurt you or threaten you. Come back when the fire is put down—when the scandal's over," She said and yeah. This is probably the end of my acting career. It's just vanished into thin air—the offers and upcoming projects. It's just like Thanos fucking snapped his fingers and make my career disappear.

"Sorry V but I can't let them hurt you. You and Noah have been the latest and top news in the world of showbiz right now. Noah's the least affected that is why he's going to deny everything about you being the third party to clear your name," I just nod and nod containing everything that I just heard. I am probably hated by million of fangirls out there. Arggh. She added, "We'll also ask for Lana's point of view to hear her side of story to also help you."

I hugged her back so hard as my tears fell. I know I am going to miss her and my career. But not just her, Paris itself and all the memories I've made here. I promise I'll be back but now I am taking a fucking break away from these issues.

Where will I freaking go? I don't actually know where I will fucking go now but I have one place in mind which is now abandoned for sure.

"Fine," I breathed and wiped my tears away. Be strong, I remind myself, "I think I have somewhere in mind where to stay for months," I said before walking away and putting my sunglasses on. I need to pack now because I am going back to the place where I really don't want to go back.

Hiii. Just to remind you, you are strong and you'll survive the waves of problems and challenges that you are facing right now.

Thanks everyone for the support. I truly truly appreciate it. Love you all. Keep updated for more chapters to come.

Btw, school will fucking start again on monday which is sad.

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