that should be me

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"What? So when will you two be back?" I asked my dad about the papers and such and it turned out that he's on a business trip with mom in Asia right now and then next in Europe.

"In about three months," My dad said and I gasped. What the hell...Too long. What will I do in three months? I stepped out of the pool to talk clearly to dad. I am in our "Lodge" lodge again with some of our servants but I am completely alone here in the pool.

"Three months? Dad that's too long..." I said because I am going to be bored as hell in those two months, I bet it. Ang dang it, I promis Jug that I would work on the fucking paper asap.

He just laughed at me, "Are you two rushing the divorce? And also why in the world are you two breaking up? Breaking you up means breaking the business contract..." Yeah. Right. Business.

"'s just...we fell out of love, okay? We need to seperate our ways now," I said even though it's kinda a lie.

"Are you okay? With everything? We haven't talk to you in a month but we know about your career..." My heart aches when he mention about being okay.

"I am not, dad. I am not fucking okay...I just..."I wiped my tears and my dad
cursed, "You'll be okay, mija..."

"Can you give me a job, though? I am jobless..." I chuckled lighlty with my tears falling down. My dad chuckled on what I said. And he replied with sarcasm and mockery, "You really should have studied business."

"Dad! Be nice to me just this once," I complained and he added, "I'll try to recommend you in my friend's company which is a model company so that can be your training ground since you don't want to work in our company..." Fine. Maybe. I am for the business world. Corporate and such.

"I'll take whatever job you offer. Thanks dad. I love youuuuuu..." I said as I wiped my tears away as I looked upon the stars—shining and shimmering but you cannot reach it. Just like Jughead. Gosh, I really need to erase Jughead out of my system.

"I love you too, mija. Stay strong. Please, in three months, whatever happened I just want you to fix what you should have fixed in the past years if it is still fixable." My dad advised but I don't think it is still doable in case of my catastrophic marriage. Jughead don't even want to talk to me anymore.

I opened my phone to play some of their songs in their latest albums.

*plays let me know by lany

Blue sky lights but tonight it's the morning
I can't get through to you
I wish that this floor would come to life and tell the story
'Cause no one knows where I missed my move

Then Jug's part came, How am I supposed to move on if
You don't know what's really wrong, but

Yeah. Right. I understand why he's so mad at me. I left him without reasons, I left him clueless and I left without even telling him what's wrong. I just left because of my own reasons and I just have realized that, I did it for my own reasons and it is kinda selfish.

Let me know if there's something I can do to fix it
Let me know if you ever change, if you ever change, your mind
I can't promise you that I'll be waiting
But for you I'll leave anything behind

I might be too late but let me know Jug. Pls. Let me know if I can still fix us. If I could still bring back whatever we had.

"Ah mother chucker," I said as I grabbed my phone ringing so loud and threw it away.

"Gosh, why in the world is it even alarming for?" And the big question is why the hell do I have an alarm I don't even have a job—HOLY MOTHER OF TACOS. I HAVE A JOB. I HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT I AM IN NYC.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now