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I was eating alone in Pop's. I have a traumatic experience here three days ago which is Jughead kissing another girl but I can't help it. This is my favorite diner here in Riverdale.

I have a class this afternoon so that's where I would go right after I finish this milkshake. I am all alone today because Cheryl has a plan with Travis and I ,being a single independent woman, need to do things on my own.

I can't contact Archie now like before we were hanging out and we were very close but now I barely see him as well as Betty. I can't see Reggie too.

I've been avoiding Jug for daysnow since what happened in Sweet pea's room. I just can't face him. Not now. I just don't feel like bothering him and such.

I decided to get out of Pop's out of boredom as I got bitter watching all the other couples enjoying their date. Before I even reach the door, someone hit me so hard making me fall as well as making the milkshake he's holding splashed all over me.

"Oh my fucking gosh," I whispered as looked over the guy who just hit me.

"Fuck, sorry" He also whispered as I saw his face, I got surprised. Oh my gosh, Victor??? The guy I met in Hawaii??

"Veronica?" He smirked as he saw me scanning me from head to toe. I raised my brow at him as we both chuckled.

"Are you just going to stare at me with milkshake splashed all over me?" I said and he cursed again, "Ah fuck. Right. I just got mesmerized by the sight of you." He flirted.

"Woah, I might hate you for ruining my blouse though." I said as I looked at my state right now.

"Fuck wait, I have an extra shirt in my car. You can change there or here in Pop's." He suggested and I agreed, "You should have said that earlier." Walking towards his car.

"The shirt is in my duffle bag," He said as I enter his car. Fine. Shirt and skirt should be fine. I changed in his car and after that he offered me to drive me in my university since I am going to be late.

"So you're in Greendale?" I asked and he smirked, "Yeah. Closer to you. I must be lucky," He said chuckling and I raised my brow at him.

"You're a soccer player?" I said as I looked down at my shirt. His shirt. Omg. I realized that I am wearing his varsity clothes. People will talk again about me. Ugh. Never mind. I am late for class.

"Yeah, obviously Lodge. Are you curious about my life? Interesting..." He said smirking at me and I just keep quiet. This boy tsssk...

I laughed, "Whatever, Houston." We arrived at my university and I got out of his car. He gave me the paper bag which has my blouse.

"See you around, Lodge.." He said still chucking at me like he's not believing what is just happeming right now.

"Thanks for the ride and by the way, stop smirking. Bye." I said as I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. I walked away from him but suddenly after a feet away from him, he grabbed me and he gave me a kiss quick on my freaking lips that taken me a back.

"What the hell?" Woah. What just happened?! I stood there frozen as I saw Jughead's car near us.

Oh gosh, did he see that? He doesn't mind. He does worst than that and it's not intentional.

"I just can't stop myself from doing that. I just can't get over you bye for now..." He said seriously walking away and leaving me dumbfounded.

Ah what the hell just happened?

I recovered and I immediately walked inside the campus. People are talking behind my back maybe because of my shirt and maybe they saw Victor and me outside which is kinda annoying.

I don't want people's attention. Anymore.

"She's Victor's new girlfriend I think..." They say and some say, "She's supposedly supporting our own soccer team not Greendale's. Traitor.." Which is ridiculous. I just brushed them off especially I am alone. With Cheryl by my side, she probably slapped them all.

I walked in the hallway and see Jughead with his blonde girlfriend and his arm is around her waist!!!

Gosh, I can fucking kill someone right now. Jughead is glaring at me coldly as he also walk towards me but since I don't want to interact with him and his girlfriends, I suddenly turn left to the locker room so he won't face me.

But to my surprise, he followed me! Alone.
I act like I am busy finding something in my locker but I went here to ignore him. I slammed my locker door to his face and I am ready to leave the locker room when he grabbed me back inside and he pinned me with his arms on my side. He raised a brow and he didn't even flinch.

"Are you running away from me now?" He said coldly as his jaw clenched when he see my shirt.

"Go back to your girlfriend. She's probably thirsty for your tongue inside her mouth or even below that," I said sarcastically as I remember them kissing yesterday in Pop's!!!

I was there alone doing some homeworks and his gf fucking kissed him in front of his fucking wife! His jaw clenched but I can see his lips portruded playfully at me.

"Hmmm. That's it then...that is the reason why you are suddenly fucking Victor Houston—my fucking enemy." He said angrily as he lean towards me. Enemy? Oh great right, he's also a soccer player.

"So what huh? At least I am not fucking everyone around me. Specifically every blonde." I said as I looked away from him. My heart will explode becaus of anger and frustrations.

"Stay away from him. You are my fucking wife." He said with authority as he stares at me.

"Stay away from me, Jughead. I fucking hate you. I fucking hate cheaters. Stay away and go back to your hoes." I firmly said not trying to cry in front of him. He didn't know how I suffer seeing him with his girls. It's fucking heartbreaking. I know I don't have the right to say that to him because he is not mine to begin with.

"So you can enjoy your time with Houston? No way, wife. No fucking way. I will never let that happen," He said before leaving me so confuse. I am so confuse. Jughead has that power over me. What did he mean by that? I don't really get him sometimes.

After that I stayed in coffee shop near our univ to study with my group mates. And we are fixing a lot of things in our project that is why it took a lot of time to end our meeting.

I have arrived in our loft at 10:30 pm and Jug was there watching a movie. When he saw me, "Pack your clothes now. We're leaving at 3 am," He said coldly as he checked the time and continued to watch.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked because obviously I have no idea what is he talking about.

"The business event in Paris," He said and I gasped. Right. Our parents invited us to go there but we refused since Jughead have a game against Greendale next next week and he needs to practice plus some young elites people might recognize him.

"I thought we're not going. People might recognize you," I said as I checked the messages of mom and dad excited to see me tomorrow in Paris. I want to go but I don't want to go with him. Our parents will set us up again in one hotel room.

"We're not famous globally. We're just popular in NYC and Riverdale. I thought you know that," He said raising a brow with me. Yeah I know that. I am just throwing reasons for us to stay.

"But what about your practice?" I said again thinking of the reasons that will make us stay here. A week with Jughead Jones??? Alone??? With our parents?? And grandparents??? That means hell for me. We need to pretend like we like each other for them.

"No more excuses, Veronica. You just want to secretly date Houston here." He said coldly before going back to what he is watching.

Fuck. I am going in Paris, France with Jughead Jones as my husband.

loving the cold boy ; jughead x veronica ; vughead ; jeronica Where stories live. Discover now