Chapter 1: Alone

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That's what eternity is.


I've been alone for almost 200 years and it's starting to get boring. I woke up from being changed to find myself with no sire, and throughout all my travels, I never found another like me.

Well, one that I tolerated enough to keep around.

It's boring.

Humans die off easily, and they're way too tempting.

Can't have that around.

As long as I've been around, I have never tasted a human's blood. It freaks me out. I don't particularly like killing people, but if necessary, I will, I just won't drink their blood.

Excuse me for my bad manners. I go by the name of Alexis. Alex for short. I don't remember my last name, weird, right?

Anyway, as you know, I'm a vampire and have been for the last 200 years. I don't remember the name of the vamp that changed me, which is fine, I prefer not to know.

As I said before, I've been alive for the past 200 years and alone the entire time. I travel a lot looking for a companion, but so far, nobody has caught my eye.

I'm currently sitting in a tree in the woods, in what I'm assuming, is Atlanta, Ga, but I can't be too sure.

Suddenly, the sound of feet running through the forest reaches my ears.

Seems like whatever it is is headed right for the tree I'm in.

I lean in closer to see if I can catch a glimpse of what is in my space.

Suddenly, a tall girl can't be no older than 15 comes stumbling through the bushes, gunshot wounds littering her body.

Her blood reaches my nose, and my eyes immediately change from milk chocolate brown to bright red. Her blood smells amazing, but it doesn't make me hungry.

It makes me want to protect her.

I watch as a human woman with a shotgun comes bursting through the bushes.

My nose flares, and I almost growl at the hate I smell coming off her skin.

The girl suddenly lets off a loud roar, which almost causes me to growl and shifts to a huge ass lycan.

I thought the lycans had been wiped out?

I wonder if I can get a little closer without the wolf sensing me?

Jumping to a lower branch, I slowly lean in.

"Gotcha now, lycan. You killed all my men, but you won't make it out of this forest alive. Soon, you'll just be another head on my wall." The angry woman says.

She cocks the gun then aims it at the lycan. The lycan roars and starts to sprint towards her, my nails digging into the branch to keep me in place, the woman fires the gun, striking the young lycan right in the chest.

She stumbles to the ground, letting out a whimper.

"Say goodnight lycan." The woman, I don't care for her name, raises the gun to deliver the kill shot.

At this point my blood is boiling, yes I have blood running through my veins, I jump from my tree and silently land behind the woman with the gun.

I feel a growl bubbling up from my chest.

I grab the woman's head, quickly snapping her neck.

Glancing up at the dying lycan, I slowly walk towards her and squat down by her head.

Cocking my head to the side I listen for a heartbeat.

It's faint but it's there.

"Hmm, why did I feel the need to save you? You're a lycan. I'm supposed to hate you. We're supposed to be enemies. Ya know, kill each other and shit. Strange. I wonder why you're being hunted. You're just a pup, you'll grow up to be strong. You would definitely be an amazing companion."

The lycan twitches and whines, making my heart ache from the pain she's in.

Carefully dragging her into my lap, I let my vamp take over.

Fangs out, I bite down on her neck causing her to release a growl that bounces off the trees, before falling into a deep slumber.

I need somewhere to hide before she wakes up.

Glancing around, I take a deep breath.


A few miles straight ahead.

I hope they won't mind. Whoever the woman is, I just hope she doesn't freak out about a vampire and recently bitten lycan showing up on her doorsteps.

With my lycan in my arms, I take off in a jog towards the human woman's house.

In 20 minutes, I walk across her lawn to the front door.

Taking a deep breath, I fix my clothes and that of my barely awake lycan and knock on the door. The human woman opens the door and I plaster a genuine smile on my face.

"Hi my name is Alexis. Can we come in?"

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now