Chapter 36: Rescue Mission

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Staring right at me.

My eyes widen as she stares me down.

Her frown deepens but a flicker of excitement and amusement crosses her eyes before disappearing.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Malia aren't you tired of being so stubborn? It has to be tiring." Bella says, hands her waist.

I nod at Malia to talk.

"No." Malia simply grunts, eyes moving from mine to Bella and back to mine.

Bella looks over her shoulder directly at me and frowns.

She can't see me.

"Regardless, you will do as I say. Your little pack isn't coming. I had them killed." Bella says, fake sadness in her voice.

Malia's eyes narrow before flickering to my face.

"I doubt that." Malia says, eyeing Bella up and down.

I watch as a smirking Bella walks up to my girl and slaps her across the face, bring a blood curling growl from Malia's throat.

A distant snarl reaches my ears and the shuffling of huge paws.

"Kayla calm down. You'll blow our cover." Chey whispers to a angry Kayla.

"Watch your tongue hybrid. I will kill you." Bella growls, grabbing Malia by the throat.

"You won't." Malia grunts, grinning.

Bella growls in her face but lets her go, not before slaping her in the face again.

"Why are you so sure?" Bella questions, rubbing her chin.

"You need me." Malia grunts.

"Of course. I do need you. You won't let anybody harm me right Malia?"Bella ask, running her sharp claws down Malia's neck.

"Of course I won't. I'll just kill you myself. Nobody can harm you if you're dead." Malia says, eyes black as night.

I feel my eyes turn black and I crouch down without knowing.

"You. Kill. Me? I doubt that Malia." Bella chuckles.

Malia smirks and shrugs.

"We'll see." Malia says.

Her eyes flicker to me and amusement clouds her eyes at my pose.

Bella huffs and walks past me and out the door, her minions behind her.

"It isn't safe for you to be here." Malia says, a low growl in her voice.

I roll my eyes at her and shuffle towards her.

"And it's safe for you to be here?"

She snorts and looks down. I lift her head and rub her face.

"I'm getting you out of here. If only I can figure out how to get the damn chains off you."

She chuckles and looks me over. A small blush rises on my cheeks before shaking my head.

"What?" She shrugs and smirks.

"Just making sure you're not hurt. My darkness comes in handy huh?" She questions, smiling.

Rolling my eyes, I break the chains off her.

She rubs her wrist and I watch as her darkness surrounds her, caressing her skin, covering her, causing her to take a deep breath.

She finally pulls me into her warm chest. My arms automatically enclose around her, a soft purr leaving my chest, my wings unfurl and wrap around us.

She places a kiss on my head, my arms and wings tighten around her.

"Let's go. The others are outside."

She nods and grabs my hand, pulling me behind her.

We walk through the open door and creep against the wall, Malia pulls me infront of her and stops me from moving.


She presses her hand against my mouth as a loud growl shakes the walls.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Bella's angry voice vibrates off the walls.

Footsteps coming towards us, Malia pulls us deeper into her darkness.

Hunters run past us screaming orders and loading guns.

We turn down a hall, coming face to face with a shit ton of hunters.

"Come." Malia grunts, throwing me on her back.

She creeps down the hunter filled hallway. Bella burst through the door, fuming.

"She has to be here. Find her or that's your life." Bella says, anger seeping from her pores.

The hunters nod and spread out around the house.

Malia smirks and slides down the hall, her darkness covering us more.

"Straight ahead there's a ledge. Climb it. You'll reach the window, we'll be waiting." Devon says, trees rustling alerts us that he's on the move.

Malia follows his instructions and pushes the window open. We land on the ground and she shifts under me.

Bella's angry screams and the hunters attempting to calm her down reach our ears.

I look back to make sure we're not being followed but Malia grabs me in her giant mouth and runs towards the coven.

We break through the trees to a clearing, where the pack is waiting, tensed and ready for anything.

Malia stops running and stands on two legs, I flip onto her back and then slide down.

"They won't find us. The darkness covers your scent. You're safe." Devon says, dropping from a tree.

Malia nods and shifts back. Kayla sprints to her and wraps her arms around her neck, crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Kayla." Malia quietly says. Kayla cries harder and kisses her. Chey wraps her arms around me and inhales my scent.

We're safe. For now.

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now