Chapter 29: Search and Destroy

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Let the games begin.

Something doesn't feel right.

Opening my eyes, I turn over and Chey is nowhere to be found. Glancing around my room, the atmosphere seems off. Arching a eyebrow, I creep towards the bathroom to handle my morning routine.

Something doesn't feel right.

Walking towards my door, I pause and take in the air.

The air is to sweet.

Pushing open my door, I look left and right, not spotting anybody.

Narrowing my eyes, I walk towards the end of the hall, sniffing as I go.

That's weird.

I smell the pack but something is off.

Walking towards the staircase, I slowly walk down, keeping my senses open.

Panicked voices reach my ears and the smell of salt invades my senses.

Somebody is crying.

Rushing forward, I force the doors open only to come face to face with a crying, dazed Kayla and a erratic camp.

"What's going on?"

All the heads snap to me.

Kayla cries harder before rushing me, wrapping her arms around my neck and crying into my tank.

"It's Malia!! I woke up and she was gone!!" Kayla cries into my neck.

My eyes widen and I stare down at her.

That's what's missing.

"What happened?!"

They flinch but Caleb, one of the hunters, walks forward, stretching his arm out with a note.

We warned you. Let the games begin- D

My hands start to shake, my vision becoming cloudy and my body starts to change.

A deep growl bubbles up from my chest and I step back from Kayla.

Quickly turning, I punch a hole in a near by wall and watch as my fist leaves a crater sized hole in it.

"How'd they get in?!? We should've heard them!!"

They flinch and step back a little.

A chuckle catches my attention.

Glaring at the culprit, he chuckles again and gets comfortable in the chair he's chained to.

"I told you, you won't see them unless they want you to." David says on a shrug.

I blur to him and grab him by the neck.

He chuckles again.

"If they lay one finger on my lycan.."

His laugh cuts me off.

"You'll do what? You can't even fucking see them! How do you expect to find them, huh?!" David yells, straining against the chains and my grip on his neck, his eyes turning red with anger.

"You can show me."

He snorts and rolls his eyes.

I growl in his face but he stares at me bored.

"I don't know where they are. I don't belong to their pack. I'm a hitman, I get a call to kill somebody, they give the location and money, I take the person out. Never even met them. I just know they send a few people out to watch me and make sure I get the job done." He says with a shrug.

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now