Chapter 12: Train Your Bite

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"Kiyan, what are the odds of Malia and I changing somebody and draining them of their blood?"

Kiyan stares at me and motions for me to walk with him, a slow grin crossing my face.

Kiyan shows me to a study with floor to ceiling bookshelves, dusty hard backs on every shelf.

The dust tickles my nose.

"Why do you want to know the odds?" Kiyan asks.

Pulling my gaze from the bookshelves, I sink further into the plush chair, folding my hands across my stomach.

"Like Kayla said, my humans are aging, Malia and I aren't. Well Malia is but slowly. At any rate, I don't know if i'll be able to handle another death. They won't come back like Malia or I would."

Kiyan rubs his chin in deep thought.

My gaze going back to the book cases.

Malia would love to read in here.

"I understand your concern. You're right, they won't be around forever. Changing them will take alot of effort and concentration. I mean your Malia no offence but she doesn't have the restraint to not drain them like you would. She still relatively young and recently reborn." Kiyan explains.

I stare down at my lap in deep thought, barely noticing Malia creeping through the door and taking a seat next to me.

"Why do you think I have no restraint? I haven't killed them yet." Malia's asks in her deep gravely voice.

I glance at Malia and smile, she meets my eyes and I notice hers are a deep red.

Is she hungry or tired?

"You are still a freshly made hybrid. You were killed and then brought back to life by the hands of a deceased ancient vampire. Your restraint isn't what it used to be." Kiyan says, causing Malia to snort.

I smack the back of her head and she grins.

"So what do you suppose we do?"

Kiyan pulls his gaze from Malia back to me. He grins and rubs his hands together.

"We train your bite." He responds.

My grin drops from my face and a frown appears on my face.

Kiyan's smile growing wider.

"Train our bite? Why?" Malia wonders, head cocked to the side.

Kiyan claps his hand in excitement and walks towards one of the bookcases, pulling a red book out.

A section on the case opens up and he pulls out a heavy looking metal box.

"Uh Malia, a little help." Kiyan says, struggling with the metal.

Malia quickly takes it from him and places it on the desk.

"What exactly is that?"

He glances at me and motions for Malia to pick it up. She lifts it effortlessly.

"This is adamantium. It's virtually indestructible. This is how you're going to train your bite." He explains, excitement all in his voice.

"Alright then. Where are we doing this?"

He waves his hand towards the window that overlooks the training field.

I look down and notice all the hunters and my humans waiting.

A deep growl sends shivers up my spine.

Glancing over my shoulder, I spot a excited lycan Malia, patiently waiting for me to follow her.

Rolling my eyes, I blur out the door, her heavy footsteps behind me.

Reaching the training field, I notice the adamantium sitting in piles.

"Ok, Alex you're up first." Joe says, shirtless by the way.

Arching a eyebrow, I step forward, stripping leaving me in a tank top.

Not gonna one up me.

"I'm going to need you to change." Joe says.

Nodding at him, I close my eyes, letting the change take over my body. I open my eyes and my senses have sharpened.

He grins.

"First thing you're going to do is bite as hard as you can. Your venom can melt anything, if it melts then your bite is to hard. Try and keep the metal whole. Give it a shot." He explains.

I nod and position the metal in my jaw, slowly and with moderate pressure, I bite down. A screeching sound causes my ears to ring and Malia to whine.

"I think you did it Alex." Jon exclaims.

I remove my teeth from the metal and stare at it.

My venom didn't melt it.

I did it.

A smile crosses my face. Jon smiles at me and nods his head in praise.

"You're next Malia. Open up." Jon states, holding the metal out to Malia.

She walks forward and slowly grabs it out his hands. I cringe as her teeth crushes the metal.

She growls and drops the chunks.

"That's ok Malia, try again." She glances at Chey and nods.

Jon holds out another piece and she slowly takes it in her mouth.

Her wide jaw closes around the metal and she applies pressure.

The screeching causing me to flinch again but it didnt break and none of her venom melted the box.

"Good job love."

She purrs at my praise and drops the heavy metal. Jon steps forward and pets her head.

"Good job Malia. You guys are ready. Kiyan whenever you're ready." He says and nods at us.

Malia comes up and sits next to me, laying her giant head on my shoulder.

"Ok Terrance, you're up first." Kiyan says, motioning him forward.

He walks up and strips his shirt. Jon and Kayla lock chains around his arms and legs.

"Take your pick. Vampire, lycan or hybrid." Jon states.

Terrance points at me.

Nodding, I walk towards him, cradling his face in my hands, gently stroking his cheeks.

"This will only hurt for a minute ok?"

He smiles, closing his eyes and showing his neck to me. Taking a deep breath, I quickly bite into his neck, only releasing my venom.

He grunts and I release his neck.

He falls to the ground and starts shaking, eyes rolled to the back of his head. Malia whimpers but stays in place.

He screams and his back arches.

I watch as his eyes turn red, his teeth sharpen, his nails sharpen and his muscles grow more defined.

He glances at me and smiles.

A smile graces my face.

"Man you look good."

He laughs and slowly stands. The chains fall off and he inhales.

"I feel good. Thanks Alex." He says and blurs towards Malia, catching her off guard, knocking her big ass to the ground.

"Who's up next?" Jon asks.

"I am"

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now