Chapter 25: Boy

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"We'll see." Malia grunts before covering me in her scent.

Walking through the trees, stalking a herd of deer for my dinner, I crouch low to the ground, to the point of crawling.

I test the air around the herd, searching for any form of threat, to both me and my dinner, a faint scent crosses my nose but I don't recognize it.

I get closer to the herd and go to launch at them but i'm tackled to the ground by a large greyish lycan.

The impact scares the herd off and I quickly turn glaring at the intruder.

"What the fuck are you doing?!?"

The lycan rolls her eyes and shifts, placing her hands on her hips.

"Relax Alex. There are more deer around." Kira waves off my anger, causing me to viciously growl.

"That was my food you ran off!!"

She chuckles and leans against a nearby tree, crossing her arms, staring at me.

"I'll help you hunt for more." She says, nodding towards the forest behind me.

I narrow my eyes at her and growl again.

"Go home."

I turn away from her and widen my senses. A frustrating growl leaving me as I smell nothing but Kira.

"Why are you doing that?"

She chuckles and I hear her approach me, spreading her scent even more.

"The more you smell me, the more your memory will come back." She states, shrugging again.

I roll my eyes and blur away from her, in the direction of the herd before being tackled again.

"Kira, I swear to God."

I look up at the lycan holding me and it's not Kira.

I'm not sure who this is.

It growls in my face and then it's across the field, Kira standing over me, growling.

"Kira get behind me."

She snorts and growls at the male standing up slowly. I growl at him and crouch down low, preparing to fight. The boy rushes us and Kira meets him head on, wrestling around.

Faint ground shaking paws can be heard coming from behind me, I glance over my shoulder and my sharp sight catches Malia, Kayla, Devon, Mia and Abbey running towards us.

Whimpering catches my attention and I quickly turn back to the fight, eyes widening as I notice Kira in a headlock, fighting for air.

I blur to them and round house kick the lycan off her, grabbing him in a sleeper hold but he bucks me off.

Attaching myself to a tree trunk, I open my wings and dive towards him, scooping him up at the same time, my hand around his neck.

"Who are you boy?!"

He growls and I slam him into a tree. He takes a swipe at me but I dodge him and throw him against another tree, watching it fall with his weight. I land on the ground with enough force to create a crater. He slowly gets up and shakes off the dizziness.

His redish brown eyes meets mine, he growls and rushes me but before he can get to close Malia tackles him, wrestling around the forest, knocking trees down in their wake.

Malia throws him through a tree and stands on her two hind legs and lets off a ground shaking roar.

The boy stands, roars at Malia and rushes her, Malia meeting him head on.

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now