Chapter 17: The Battle That Is Our Life

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We'll be ready. We have to be.

We stand amongst the shadows of the forrest, waiting for the coven to show themselves.

The vamps and I are in the trees, waiting for the signal.

Malia and her hybrids waiting on the ground, Abbey and Kayla in their hybrid forms, Malia as a human, hybrid on standby.

Our first line of defense.

Snapping leaves bring my attention back the field. About 30 vampires step out from the coverage of the trees.

All ready to attack at the first sign of us. Malia looks up, I nod at her and she steps out, holding her hand up to keep her hybrids from following.

She steps from the shadows, eyes bright red, claws out, back straight.

A warrior.

"Who are you?" The head vampire questions, well i'm assuming this is the head vampire.

Malia's head cocks to the side but she doesn't respond.

The vampires hiss, causing my vamps to bristle in the trees, one glare from me causes them to quite down.

"Don't you speak pup? Wait, she didn't send you to kill all of us did she? That's pathetic. I know she's getting close, I can smell her traitorous scent on the breeze." The head vampire grunts.

At that Malia growls but doesn't make a move.

"You can't kill all of us pup. It's 30 of us and only 1 of you, you will lose." The head vamp states.

Malia snorts and waves her hand.

Abbey and Kayla step from the shadows, teeth dripping with saliva and venom.


I watch as they take their place beside their alpha and the vamps take a step back.

"Vampire's and Lycan's aren't meant to mix. Abominations." The vamp growls out.

At this point, I hold a hand up to the others and jump down from the treetop, making ny way to Malia and the others.

The vamps hiss and growl at my presence.

"What do you want?"

The unknown vampires pause and stare wide eyed at me. Recognizing their sires scent on me.

They hiss and snap their jaws at me. The head vamp holds her hand up and steps forward, two vamps right on her heels.

"I am Veneta. First born to Percy." Veneta states bowing her head, a sick twisted grin on her face.

My eyes narrow at her words.

"First of all, I'm Percy's first born. I'm your superior. I suggest you step down and walk away."

Her eyes narrow and she stands from her bow. Her eyes size me up, taking in how I look and my scent.

"So you're the famous Alexis. Sire spoke so highly of you. Does he know you run with dogs?" Veneta asks, grin on her face.

Malia and the girls growls. I hold my hand up, stopping their growls.

"I'm sure he does. I mean you can ask him yourself. You're standing on the exact spot I burned him on a few weeks ago." Veneta looks down, noticing the burnt purplish tint on the grass.

The color of a ancients ashes.

"You killed him? You killed your sire?" Veneta asks, anger clear in her voice.

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now