Chapter 31: Pack Life

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Time to relax.

Moving my feet back and forth in the cool pool water, I stare at the rising sun.

Taking a deep breath, I listen to the steady breathing of my sleeping packmates.

A large head brushes against my back. I glance over my shoulder and spot the red eyes of my favorite lycan.

"You're up early. You ok?"

She nods and cocks her head to the side.

Questioning me.

"Yes, i'm fine. Couldn't sleep." She nods and lays down next to me.

I run my fingers through her dark hair.

Yawns and approaching feet soon reach our ears. Malia looks over her shoulder at the pack coming through the pool doors, sitting in the many chairs.

"Did you sleep at all Alex?" Jon questions, rubbing his blue eyes, stretching his taunt muscles.

"Yea a little bit."

They nod and snuggle deeper into the plush seats.

Their breathing starts to even out again, hinting at them falling asleep.

Tires running over gravel puts us on automatic alert.

Glancing at a growling Malia, I motion her to follow me to the door and the others to go upstairs.

Reaching the door before whoever can knock, I throw the door open.

Six pairs of wide yellow eyes meet mine.

"Can I help you?"

They gulp and I notice their gazes go to the giant black hybrid behind me.

I reach back and pat her head.

"Umm, my name is Carlos. This is Ashton and Chris. May we come in?" Carlos ask.

I eye him up and down. He's a tall dark skin, tattoos cover his skin. He has bright green, sharp eyes. The other two look the same.

Lycan triplets.

Narrowing my eyes at them, I move to the side and let them in.

Malia sniffs them as they move over the threshold of our house. They growl at her, she narrows her eyes.

As they walk into the living room, the pack comes out of their rooms and look down over the balcony.

I watch as they look around and then spot the vampires above them, ready to attack at any moment.

"You can tell them to relax. We aren't here to harm you." Ashton says, eyeing everybody.

Especially a still hybrid Malia.

"Is he going to shift back at any point while we're here?"Chris grunts, frowning at Malia.

Malia growls at him and he shuffles on his feet.

"That's a girl."

They arch their eyebrows at her.

I roll my eyes and nod to her.

Malia stands ram rod straight, I watch as her bones roll under her skin and the midnight fur shrinks back into her skin.

Their eyes widen as she stands in her human form, tall, lethal and ready for anything.

"Oh. We apologize. We didn't realize you were a girl." Carlos says, bowing his head and holding his hand out to her.

Malia glares at the outstretched hand.

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now