Chapter 24: Old Friends

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"What just happened?" Shonda questions

I shrug and stare at the door they ran through, their footsteps rushing down the stairs and out the door before stoping at the gate entrance, crying reaching my ears.

"She thinks i'm her long lost vampire bestfriend. I..I don't remember her. She wants me to remember so bad but I just don't."

Chey runs her hands up and down my back, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.

Everybody flinches as a growling Devon throws the door open, glaring at me.

He takes deep breathes to control his shifting but he's quickly losing his cool.

I push Chey behind me.

"What did you do?!?" Devon growls at me, causing my vampire to creep forward, eyes turning black as night.

I growl at him and slowly lower myself into a crouch.

"Lower your voice boy."

He growls at me and then takes a slow step towards me, causing me to sink lower into a crouch.

"What did you do to Kira?!? She was fine before you found us!! You got her hopes up just to fucking crush them!!! I SHOULD KILL YOU!!!!" Devon roars, rushing me.

I sink lower and brace myself for impact. Before he can reach me, Malia crashes into him, wrestling him to the ground, forcing her hand on his throat, cutting his air.

"CALM DOWN!" Malia yells at him, gripping his neck tighter until he's forced to shift back, breathing hard.

Malia narrowed her eyes at him and slaps him across the face before letting him up.

"I did nothing to her. She thinks i'm her vampire bestfriend but I don't know who she is. I told her that and she's still under the impression that i'm this vampire."

He groans and growls, slowly getting to his feet.

"That's because you are. You look the exact same as you did 200 years ago. Why you don't remember her, i'll never know but she damn sure remembers you." He grunts out, sparing a glance over his shoulder at his sister.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh.

"Look Kira, I don't know who you are. Somewhere along the lines I lost my memory. Your scent doesn't bring up anything in my mind. I know I look like this vampire but I..I just don't know who you are. I'm sorry."

She sighs and wipes away the tears falling down her cheeks.

"I can prove you're her. We have a matching tattoo. It's the symbol of a vampire fang and a canine wrapped around each other. Mine is on my left arm, yours is on the right."Kira explains, lifting her shirt sleeve, showing the tattoo.

I eye it and then look towards my right shoulder, already knowing the tattoo matches.

"Where did you get that?"

She looks at it then smiles, wiping more of her tears. She shuffles forward and takes a seat on a spare chair.

"We got it one day while in the city. It was a spur of the moment thing and you dared me to because I lost in a practice fight against you. Even though I was scared, you said you'd get a matching tattoo. This is what we came up with." Kira whispers, staring off into space.

I nod and stroke my right shoulder.

"I don't remember any of that. I do have the tattoo, I just don't remember how I got it. I woke up one day and it was there."

She sighs again and rubs her eyes.

"It's ok. Just means I have to make you remember or make you become my bestfriend again." Kira says with a shrug.

I arch a eyebrow at her and Malia growls, dragging me into her chest. Kira rolls her eyes.

"My vampire." Malia growls, causing Kira to stand and take a few steps.

"No. No, she was mine before you were even thought of. She was mine then and she'll be mine again." Kira grunts, eyeing the arm Malia has draped around me.

"We'll see." Malia grunts before covering me in her scent.

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now