Chapter 54: Protection Detail

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I do not own any of the Twilight characters

Protection detail.


I wonder into the back yard of the Cullen house, where my sleeping coven, the wolf pack, the awake Cullens and Kraven's awake pack are being housed.

"I know you're in the backyard. Come sit with me."

Taking a seat on the steps of the porch, rustling trees reach my ear and a human Malia takes a step into the backyard.

"We have it under control. Go back inside, it's not safe out here." She quietly says, so not to disturb the sleeping vampires and wolves.

"If that's the case, you shouldn't be out here either."

She snorts and gracefully walks towards me before sitting on the steps, red fiery eyes searching the woods for any movement that isn't from her lycans.

"Is something wrong sire?" She questions, glancing at me out the corner of her eye.

"You let her pin you, didn't you?"

Snorting, she leans back on her elbows.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She grunts, crossing her feet at the ankles.

I chuckle and watch as a small smile graces her beautiful face.

"I was going to offer my lycans protection anyway. Just wanted to give her a hard time." She says, slowly leaning forward.

I frown and look where she's gazing.

"What is it?"

She puts her index finger to her lips, shushing me.

All talk in the house stops and the snoring from the vampires and wolves stop, letting me know they've woken up.

"Malia,watch out!!" Kira's voice reaches us.

I go to rush infront of Malia but before I can even move Malia has me out of the way and something crashes into her, sending her flying backwards into the house.

Her lycans come flying out of the forest, stopping as they see the destruction of the Cullen house.

The object that crashed into the hellhound comes flying out the house and into Devon's waiting arms.

Everybody turns and watches as a fully changed and on fire hybrid walks out of the rubble, releasing a earth shattering roar.


I place myself infront of the other covens and let my vampire take over, protecting them from the pissed off lycan hybrid.

"What the hell is going on? What's wrong with her? Who's that?" Kierra questions, hiding her face in Kraven's neck.

"That's a pissed off Malia. You tell me who that is Kierra."

She inhales his scent and gasp.

"It's his scent. It's not him but it's his scent. Maybe a member of his coven." She says, eyeing the intruder.

"Umm Alex?" Caleb says, holding a hand up to keep the angry hellhound away.

I glance over my shoulder at a nervous Caleb.

He takes a step back when he notices my blood red eyes and fangs poking out of my mouth.

"Don't you think you should stop her before she burns this area to the ground?" Caleb questions, eyeing the flaming hybrid.

"This is a calm flame." Chey states, taking a seat on what's left of the steps, watching her favorite lycan.

"Should've seen her when she couldn't control it. She's aware there are others in the area. She used to burn things down on accident. You're safe." Carlisle explains, examining the bright orange flames.

They nod but still look to me, hoping I'll make her relax.

"Oh. She's pissed. I can't calm her down. She thinks her mate is in trouble. Only her mate can force her to relax and see reason."

I look at Kayla and nod towards her enraged mate.

Rolling her eyes, she takes a step down the broken steps and over to her mate.

"Malia baby." Kayla says, causing Malia to stop growling and slowly turn to look at her.

"You have to relax. I'm not hurt, nobody is hurt. The flame is getting worse with your anger. Relax or you'll set this entire area on fire." Kayla explains, panic starting to rise in her voice.

I watch as she steps forward and places her small vanilla smelling hand on Malia's stomach, forcing her to calm down completely.

"Sorry. I'll fix the house." She says, completely calm.

Carlisle chuckles and waves away her.

"You're fine. The boys will do it." Carlisle says.

She nods and watches as Kayla walks over to the vampire in Devon's arms.

"You guys can calm down to. I'm fine. We're all fine." Kayla tells her pups.

They nod and slowly calm down.

"Who's your sire boy?" She questions the struggling vampire.

He snaps his sharp teeth at her before Devon tightens his hold.

"If I tell you, I'm dead." The boy bites out.

"You'll die if you don't." Malia grunts, crossing her arms.

I glance at Kierra and she meets my eyes.

"Would you give up your sire if it meant losing everything you know?" The boy questions Malia, causing her to snort.

"Probably. I also don't fold under pressure or take to well to what belongs to me being threatened. Who's your sire?" Malia growls at him.

"Who's your sire lycan? Is it this woman or one of the pups?" He asks, glaring at her.


I blur to Malia's side. Eyes burning red with annoyance.

"You're a vampire? A vampire that sired a lycan?" He questions, eyes wide.

"In every sense of the word. Now, tell us who you sire is."

He growls and eyes Malia up and down.

"I'm going to die either way." The vamp says, rolling his eyes.

Well that's true.

I hear Kierra take a deep breath.

"Tell me. Tell me who our sire is. You smell just like him." She says, annoyance in her voice.

"Why would I tell you? You shouldn't even be alive. You should've died in that fucking car accident but sire decided to save your life." The boy growls at her.

"How do you think it would feel to have your head ripped from your body? Correct me if I'm wrong, you'll feel every bit of it. Maybe you should be set on fire? Yea let's try that."

His eyes widen in fear and snap to Malia.

"Malia, if you will."

She nods and that familiar flame takes over her eyes. I watch as a trail of flames creeps towards him and grabs hold of his pants leg.

"Ok ok!! I'll talk. Just tell her to chill out!" The vampire screams before being cut off by Devon tightening his grip.

"His name boy."

He takes a deep breath once the flame died down. Growling he meets my eyes and then Malia's.

"Ren. His name is Ren." The boy grunts, eyes on Malia.

I nod and hit her arm, she relaxes immediately.

"My pops changed you?" Kraven asks Kierra.

"If he changed you, then why didn't I smell his scent at the accident site?" Kraven wonders out loud.

I shrug and nod to Malia.

"Take him back to the cabin. Chain him up and come back. His coven wants him, they can get him from there." She orders her pups.

They nod at her and make their way through the trees to the cabin.

"Now that that is settled, explain Ren to us."

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now