Chapter 60: Finale

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I do not own any of the Twilight character

Time for fun.

I run as fast as I can behind the pack and the motorcycle, only to come to an abrupt halt.

"What's wrong?"

Bella walks up to me and places half her body in front of me. I run my fingers through her auburn colored fur.

My personal bodyguard.

"You can smell em huh?" Liam questions, turning the ignition off on the bike.

"Yea. You were right about the supernaturals. Can smell them from here."

"What's the quickest way in?" Edward questions from Quil's back.

Liam looks around before pulling out a pair of binoculars. He adjust them before handing them to me.

"You know you can just tell me where to look right?"

Liam glances at me and shoves the binoculars in my hands before shoving his hands in his jacket pocket.

"Ok aggressive."

I look in the binoculars and spot a big ass lycan and a group of hunters guarding a door.

"Why is he so big?"

Liam looks at me and then back towards the camp.

"The head hunter has been experimenting with supernaturals. Most of the time when we captured them, they were used to run test on. To alter their genetic makeup. The ones that died weren't successful. The ones that survived, turned into that." Liam says, checking his gun on his hip.

"You use supernaturals as test subjects?" Joe questions, loading bullets in his gun.

"He wants protection. What better way to protect himself is by having supernaturals at his disposal?" Liam questions, taking the binoculars from me.

"You know he has to die right?" Kayla questions.

Liam turns to face us. Eyeing the vampire hunters loading guns and holstering swords and knives on their backs.

He looks towards Malia and the lycans, watching as they shift and stretch out their long, strong muscles.

"Sure. He deserves whatever he gets. Listen, I brought you here, this is as far as I go." Liam says, meeting my eyes.

"You thought we were just going to let you leave? Leave alive at that?"

He stares at me wide eyed before taking a step back, coming into contact with a growling lycan Bella.

"You said you weren't here to kill me!" Liam yells, struggling in Bella's tight grip.

"We're not. We need you as bait. The hunters here, im assuming, have no idea what some of my hunters look like. Especially since we don't look like normal vampires."

"You want to infiltrate the camp? You want to literally walk into a camp full of hunters and genetically altered supernaturals?" Liam questions, relaxing in Bella's grip.

"Yes. You'll walk Travis, Shawn, and Chris into the camp. The rest of us will follow."

Liam looks at the young vampire hunters mentioned and watch as they strap weapons to themselves.

"They'll see you if you walk in uncovered." He says, frowning.

"Let me ask you a question. Do you think this is my entire coven? My coven is huge, you're only seeing who I want you to see. The entire area is surrounded with vampires and werewolves."

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now