Chapter 6: Hunter Camp

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"Lead the way."

The hunters rev their engines and shoot off through the forest.

My humans shoot off after them, Malia lets out a growl and then takes off after them.

Riding on her back, I keep my senses open for anything that could become a threat.

The only thing I smell for miles is hunter.

They smell weird.

I lay my head on Malia's shoulder, and I feel her purr.

We start to slow down and then come to a complete stop.

"Why are we slowing down?"

In front of us is a tall gate with spikes lining the top.

Who the hell are they trying to keep out or keep in?

Glancing at my humans, they shrug but don't make a move to get out of the cars.

"You can get out the cars and shift back. Nobody is going to harm you here." Says the head hunter.

Malia snorts but lowers herself to the ground, allowing me to climb off.

I walk to my humans and open the car doors for them.

I feel the wind shift from her changing back.

Turning towards the hunters and the gate, I wave my hand, letting them know we'll follow.

He rolls his eyes but turns and walks through the gate.

"I don't like this, Alex. What if it's a trap?" Malia asks.

Looking up at her, I notice her eyes are shining with the eyes of her beasts.

Rubbing her arm in reassurance, she slowly calms down.

"If it is, we'll be ready. Nothing is going to happen. Abbey and the others have guns on them, and we will be fine. If anything, they let us in. I'm sure the spikes on the gate are to keep things like us from getting in."

They all snort but agree anyway.

We follow a long hallway, and doors are constantly opening, with hunters holding guns, glaring at us.

I hear my humans cock their guns and Malia growls at them.

A smirk forms on my face.

"This is the grand room. Our leaders have been waiting for you. If you attack we have every right to shoot you. Remember that." The hunter says, looking over his shouder.

Rolling my eyes, we walk through the door.

Holy shit this room is huge.

Glancing around, I notice the main floor and the second floor are filled with gun wielding hunters, ready to fire without any hesitation.


My coven snorts, but the hunters are silent, stone faced.

Tough crowd.

A man stands and casually walks down the steps from his throne, making his way towards us.

Malia immediately stands in front of us, stopping the man in his tracks.

"I mean you no harm, I swear. My name is Kiyan. Welcome to my camp."

He bows and holds a hand out.

Does he want me to shake or Malia?

I doubt she'll shake his hand.

Slowly walking around the overgrown lycan, who growls in protest, I walk towards Kiyan and grip his hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Alex. This is Abbey, Shonda, April, Candace, Chey, Max, and Terrance."

Before I can introduce Malia, she steps towards me and presses her chest against my back.

A low, almost silent growl glides into my ears.

Elbowing her in her stomach, she grunts but stops growling.

"I'm Malia. Why have you brought us here?" She questions, crossing her arms.

They all gasp, causing me and the others to roll our eyes.

"What's wrong with her voice?" I glance at the woman that asked the question, and she has a look of awe mixed with fear on her face.

Malia doesn't bother to answer.

Rude ass.

"It's her lycan mixed in her voice. Kinda like she's talking on a growl. Cool, huh?"

The woman smiles and nods, quickly letting the smile fall once she notices the other hunters glaring at her.

Real tough crowd.

"To answer your question, young Malia, we are in need of your services. Jon tells me that you're stronger for a lycan. You run with humans and a vampire, your mortal enemy, and a food source." Kiyan says, causing Malia and myself to growl at his words.

They are our pack, and i've been around Malia for years.

Shit, I created her.

"Jonny boy is right. She's not just a lycan. She's a hybrid. Does anybody want to try and guess what she's mixed with?"

Jon, the head hunter, steps forward with a frown on his face.

He studies Malia.

Her eyes narrow, and a low growl bubbles up from her chest.

"She's mixed with vampire. Did you change her? Lycan and vampire aren't meant to be mixed!" Jon states, pointing an accusing finger at me.

Malia suddenly has him pinned against one of the pillars, nails in his neck.

"You don't know anything. Alex saved my life from fuckers like you. If it wasn't for her, I would've died years ago. You will not talk to her like that understand? You will apologize now!!" Malia says, slowly tightening her hold on him.

Every hunter cocks a gun and points it at her, causing my pack to point their guns.

"Release him Malia. Release him or your pack dies." Kiyan says.

Well that isn't going to change anything, that's just going to make it worse for Jon.

"Threatening us won't do anything but piss her off. She could rip his head off and still get to us before your hunters even have a chance to pull the triggers. Just do what she says and you'll be fine."

They stare at me and then look at her. She loosens her hold so Jon can talk.

"I'm sorry Alex. I didn't mean to be rude." He grunts out.

Malia narrows her eyes at him but lets him go, allowing him to drop to the floor.

A woman rushes over to him, glaring at my lycan the whole time.

Malia huffs and walks back over to us.

"Now, we'll ask again. Why are we here?"

Hunted *Book One Of The Hunted Series*Where stories live. Discover now