Chapter 7

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--------------------Luke's POV

-Once Larissa Left Luke's House-

Well that was a bit weird I mean, one minute we were sitting there then the next we were almost kissing and then Larissa says she has to go and runs out. I mean I know why she ran out because we almost kissed but if she had stayed for a couple of seconds to let me explain why I-we almost kissed than she might have stayed. 'What are you thinking Luke you know that Larissa will never like you' the little voice in my head kept saying to me.

"Luke where are you?" Mum called from what i am guessing is the kitchen.

"I am down in the basement" I yelled back

"Can you please come and help me sort out what we are going to have for dinner"

"Yeah sure um, Mum i have a band practice tonight you dont mind if you use the lounge room do you?"

"No if course not just please dont be too loud and dont take too long because you have school tomorrow"

"Okay, well I think we are only doing a cover and uploading it than we are just going to hang out" I told her walking towards her.

"Sure that is fine and I will probably go next door and see how they are going"

"Okay, Mum" I start helping her peal the vegetables and whatever else needed to be done the called the boys to tell them to come over so we could practice.

-Hour and a half later-

There was a knock on the door so i raced up to get it and there stood my three best mates i gave them all a bro hug and they walked over to the lounge and Michael went into the kitchen to help himself to the food and drinks

"Hey Michael can you get me a coke" I asked him

"Yeah can you get us one as well" Ashton and Calum both said

"No you can all get your own" He replied

"But Michael you know how much I love you can you please get me a coke PLEEEEEASSSEEE" I asked whining just to get on his nerves so he would do it.


After a minute or two Michael came back with four cans of coke and four slices of cake and mums biscuits that she had made earlier when Larissa was over. Michael came and sat on the lounge while we were just having conversation of anything we could talk about.

"So Calum" I said getting Calum's attention

"Yeah mate" Calum said

"So what's going on with you and Sabrina?"

"There is nothing going--" he said way to fast for nothing to be going on and I know when he lies.

"Hey Calum I know when you lie and the way you look at her during school and you know I heard that you are taking her out on a date on Friday"  Ashton said cutting Calum off

"How did you find out about that date?"

"I told him and I found out at school" Michael says

"Okay anyway yes we are going on a date on Friday and she know that I like her so yeah"

"Calum Liking a girl" we all said in Unison

"Yeah you know I can like girls"

"Yes Calum I know you can but it is because you are the player of the school so I thought maybe that might have gotten in the way" I said

"Well yes I like her and I told her that I would change for her if that means she would date me and she told me that she had liked me as well so it is a win-win." Calum Spoke.

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