Chapter 13

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Larissa's POV

I can't believe i actually told Luke that we could go out and get a coffee together. Yes i would love to but i mean what if i say something or do something and he doesn't like me and i said and i quote myself 'It’s a Date'. I can't believe i called it a date. What if he only wants to hang out or worse what if he doesn't even want to hang out with me since i called it a date. I was on the bus again but only this time i wasn't listening to music like i normally was i was talking to Luke.

"So Luke how is the band going" i almost whispered since he didn't want anyone to know about it and he told me i wasn't even allowed to tell the others that were actually in the band because if they knew that i knew they would kill Luke. I don't actually think they would since they are all like brothers the way they act around each other.

"Yeah it is going good. so you haven't told anyone one about it even Sabrina because i know she is your best friend and best friends are supposed to tell each other everything and all that shit" he replied which made me laugh, and caused him to blush and stop talking and laugh along.


So i went through all my classes as usual today







During lunch my and Sabrina just talked among ourselves till Calum came over and asked if we wanted to sit with him and his friends which was Michael, some guy named Josh, a few other guys i didn't know their names and the last person i saw sitting at the end of the table with his eyes glued on his phone was Luke. Once i spotted him i smiled and  started walking over to him and i don't know what came over me it was like by body was one step ahead of my brain, but i started a conversation with him.

"Hey, do you mind if i sit here Calum and Sabrina are up the other end and i don't really know the others  i only know Michael" I asked while looking over towards where Sabrina is now sitting on Calum's lap due to all the seats been taken.

"Yeah, Sure go ahead i don't mind but i thought you said that you only knew Michael, so you don't know who i am" He smirked

"Well actually what i was saying was apart from Calum and-" I was rudely interrupted by Luke but i don't mind we were only playing around.

"Well my name is Luke Hemmings and i am 17 and i am from Sydney i have lived here my whole life, my favourite colour is blue, i am in a band with my three best mates and two of them go to this school and the third goes to one down the road his name is Ashton Irwin." He spoke so fast that i couldn't even stop him from talking so i gave him a minute when he did stop then i thought i would keep playing along for fun and to waste time.

"Well it is so very nice to meet you Luke, my name is Larissa i am also 17, I am also born in Brisbane and moved to Sydney when i was about 10,  my favourite colour is green i absolutely hate the colour pink. I love to listen to music and soccer is my life" i finish telling him and now the others at the table are starting to look at us as if we have gone completely insane. But in my defence Luke had this evil smirk so he looked even weirder then me. The bell goes not even a minute later which saves me i turn to look at Luke since we have all our classes together.

"What do we have now" i turn to look at him while putting my bag in my back.

"Well i don't know what you got but i got woodwork" he says with a grin.

"Oh well i don't know what i have" I turn around then say "Wait your in all my classes and you know that wow just because i am a blonde doesn't mean you can do that it is mean" I say while playfully punching him in the arm.

"Ow that really hurt" Luke faked a cry

"Would you like me to do it harder" i asked

"No i will be alright and i am sorry it is just funny though the look on your face though when you realised that we have the same classes" he laughed i ended up joining in because you have to admit it was funny and i am one of those people that when someone is laughing i laugh to.

"So we have Woodwork" I asked to make sure.

"Yes we do then we have science after that it is home time" he said and we started to walk down to the woodwork rooms.

We made small talk then when we got there he went to talk to his friends while i talked to mine. Then we walked to Science and he sat behind me while i sat in front with my friends. Once the bell went for home time i walked up to meet Sabrina at the oval for Soccer training, then we walked home since my mum couldn't pick us up: something about work. Until i remembered that Luke was supposed to pick me up at the school.

I told Sabrina that i would see her tomorrow because Luke was picking me up from the school for our date, i then started walking towards the school and spot his car in the lit up car park.



Luke's POV

So i got the courage to ask Larissa to get coffee with me and she agreed so we are going this afternoon when school finishes. I went through all my classes that I have today:









In science i was trying to get Larissa's attention but when i threw paper at her she would turn around and glare at I then turn around before the teacher caught her and then threw it back at me. When the bell finally went signalling that it was now home time. I quickly packed up my things and walked out ahead of all my friends ignoring them calling my name.- Yeah i haven't told them about us getting coffee yet because i don't know what they will say and i definitely dont want them showing up and embarrassing me- I walked up to Larissa.

"Hey Larissa do you still want me to pick you up from the school and if you do what time?" I ask walking towards the oval with her.

"Hey Luke and yeah if you don't mind that way i can go home and have a shower and then we can get something to eat as well and i think training finishes at  7:30 so if you want to come sometime around then that is fine. Here is my number if you want it in case and can i get yours just in case i am not out the front or if we finish early or late i will call you" She asks and I nod. While i hand her my phone and she hands me hers then we give them back and she turns to walk away while she says bye i look back then smile and quickly turn away and keep walking to my car where my friends are all waiting.



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