Chapter 12

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Larissa’s POV

*Monday Morning*

I was getting on the bus this morning yay another boring day of school to come i really can’t wait till we graduate. I hate getting up early in the morning then going to school having to do work then having to go home and study it just isn't fair school ruins people’s lives. Teaches do know that we have lives to, we play sport and have friends that we want to hang out with so why do they make us study so hard but then if you complain all they say is that it will benefit me Ehh.

I got on the bus and paid my fare and walked up to one of the seats in the middle because it was a spare spot. I took the spot and put my earphones and put the music on shuffle. Dark Horse by Katy Perry came on so i decided to listen to that. I had my phone playing and i was just staring out the window till i felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around slowly and saw Luke standing there with a small smile on his face.

"Hey Luke" I said

"Hey do you mind if i sit with you, there are no other seats" he asks

"Sure" wow i actually thought that he might have wanted to sit next to me but no there weren't any seats left. I turned around and noticed that there were some seats left so me being well me, I asked why he didn't sit up the back.

"So um Luke why did you sit up with me you could have sat up the back with your friends you know all the popular people" I asked. Shit i probably should have said something different he probably thinks i hate him. Which is the complete opposite but you know.

"Uh well there are some guys up there that i don't really want to be near at the moment because if they keep saying shit about me who knows i might turn around and punch them so i thought it would be safer for me to sit away from them that way nobody gets hurt. Why dont you like me, because i can sit further up the front if you want me to be near you" he says. Who knew that the shy Luke Hemmings would punch someone because they are annoying him.

"No, no you can sit here “i said maybe a little bit to quickly "i just thought it was a bit unusual for you to sit away from your friends" i added whew good save, i hope he doesn't notice

Luke's POV

"Go talk to her Luke look she is sitting by herself now’s you chance Luke" Calum said pushing me over to Larissa. See the thing is i told Calum that i like Larissa since you know he is dating her friend or whatever the hell they are doing i don't even know and to be honest i don't really care but i think has actually found the one. I think that Sabrina is the one for Calum.

"Okay will you stop annoying me if i go and talk to her" I asked Calum slowly standing up.

"Yes i will now go" he says pushing me again.

I slowly walk up to her and she is listening to her music i think it was some One Direction song but i wasn't 100% i have heard it before but i couldn't tell. I tap her on the shoulder and mentally pray that she didn't feel it so i could go up the back and i wouldn't embarrass myself. But no she noticed and gave a confused smile.

"Hey Luke" she said

"Hey do you mind if i sit with you, there are no other seats" i ask. Lies

"Sure" Okay here it goes. Don't make yourself look like an idiot Luke. She then looks around the bus and then back to me.

"So um Luke why did you sit up with me you could have sat up the back with your friends you know all the popular people" she asks. Shit what do i say now i can't tell her that i just wanted to sit next to her or Calum knows I like you and he made me come and talk to you otherwise he will keep annoying me. Even though that was pretty much why i sat down here. So i quickly thought of something.

"Uh well there are some guys up there that i don't really want to be near at the moment because if they keep saying shit about me who knows i might turn around and punch them so i thought it would be safer for me to sit away from them that way nobody gets hurt. Why dont you like me, because i can sit further up the front if you want me to" I say. Well i don't think i would really punch someone but it was something i just came up with on the spot,

"No, no you can sit here “She said very quickly "i just thought it was a bit unusual for you to sit away from your friends" She adds

"Oh, Okay" i said. Then there was an awkward silence for a while. Till i spoke up again.

"Hey Larissa, would you like to go and get a coffee with me sometime, but if you don't that--" She cut me off thank god well i hope

"Luke i would love to" she said and the smile on her face getting bigger and bigger by the second.

"What about tomorrow after school"

"Um i have soccer training till 7:30" she says while thinking

"What if i pick you up at 7:30 i can drop you at your house then you can shower and whatever else then we can go out and grab something. Sound good" i ask

"Yeah sounds great." She Smiles "It's a date"

"It's a date" i replied then quickly said a good bye got off the bus with a huge smile on my face.

And all i kept telling my self was it's a date.


Hope you are enjoying :)


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