Chapter 20

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Larissa's POV

We were all watching a movie after we i watched the boys practice a few songs so they could video them another day. After a few minutes of watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles i went to grab some cokes and chips to bring back to the boys. As soon as i went into the kitchen i heard the boys whisper something but i couldn't understand what they were saying properly so i just brushed it off. A couple of seconds later Michael walked into the room and started going through the cupboards and the fridge.

"Hey Michael, i was just getting some cokes and chips to bring back for you and the other boys" I told him while i pointed to the food that was sitting in the bench behind him.

"Yeah, i know but i wanted to talk to you so i followed you in and told the boys i was helping you bring some food in here" he said gesturing to the boys who were still sitting in the other room all eyes on the TV.

"Okay what did you want to talk about" i ask still wondering what he wanted to talk to me about because as the weeks have gone by Michael and i have started getting closer. We don't want to become anything more than friends but we have become close and we tell each other a lot of things for example i would tell him something that i wouldn't even tell Sabrina but i have told him.

"Well i don't really know how to say this--but---Err- Michael started

"Michael please don't tell me you like me, or something like that because as you know i don't like you like that and we agreed that we would be nothing more than friends because you know who i like and all" i stated.

"Oh so we can't be best friends anymore" Michael said. Wiping the fake tears away.

"No Michael we cannot" i said joking around and Michael knew that.

"Oh Okay then, anyway what i was going to say was that" He takes a deep breath "You know the person you like likes you back" he spoke barely above a whisper.

"Michael what are you on about i know he doesn't so what is the point in lying to me" I ask

"Look Larissa i am not lying to you he does" he argued back

"No he doesn't." Michael opened his mouth to say something but i cut him off "Okay whatever you say Michael, But i don't want to hear it i don't want to get my hopes up and you know what? I am confused as hypothetically specking he did like me what would he like in me anyway i am not pretty, and i have never had a relationship before so i would always be so awkward" I started to state things that he wouldn't like about me.

"What are you saying you are pretty, actually forget pretty your gorgeous, and HE would think it is cute that you haven't been in a relationship before it just means you don’t go sleeing aound with guys and go partying every weekend" he started but got rudely interrupted by Luke himself walking into the kitchen and giving Michael a glare as he walked past us to the fridge.

"I have food here” i said pointing to the food once again and staring to walk back to Calum who was left behind in the other room with Ashton who was tapping a beat on his knees. The others soon followed me back into the room and we sat down and finished the movie.



So i an going to try update another one tonight 

and hopefully i am going to be able to update more often because i haven't been going to school this week i had work and i have the next 2 weeks off school for holidays as well. 

Also where are all my readers from  (I am Australian)     :)

Vote and comment please it would mean so much to me 

Thanx My Lovelies xx


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