Chapter 30

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Larissa's POV

We were currently listening to All time low -'Dammed If I Do, Dammed If I Don't'  to be exact. I still didn't know where we were going but it was on the other side of Sydney is all i knew. After about 5 More minutes of littening to All Time Low we had arvived at the beach and i was a bit nervous because the sun had gone down and there was now one around other than us. 

"Before you say anythiny i am not going to hurt you or do anything" He said giving me a small smile before pulling a basket of what i am guessing is full of food out of the boot of the car. 

"Okay then" i said turning around to look out at the ocean

Luke walked over to me with the basket and i followed him towards were there was a picnic blanket set up with candles all around it "The Boys helped me out with it and they set the blanket up while i went to pick you up and i bought the food because otherwise it would be all gone by the time we got here. He laughed. His laugh was so adorable that i couldn't help but to laugh along as well.

"It is so beautiful, i can't believe you did this for me" i said. glancing out at the ocean once more.

"Just like you are" I heard Luke say. I looked down as i blushed so he wouldn't see my face

Luke had already sat down on the picnic blanket and held his hand out for me, gesturing for me to sit down next to him. After a while of just talking Luke pulled out some vegemite sandwhiches for us to eat and two cans of soft drink; One coke and one Solo. "Which drink do you want" Luke asked.

"I'll Have coke please, unless you wanted it i don't mind" i said

"I will have the Solo don't worry about it, i wanted it anyway"

We just sat there for a while not speaking but  enjoying each others company. When Luke Spoke up "Hey Larissa do you want to get in the water with me"

"But i don't have any swimmers" i said

"Okay and i don't want you to feel uncofortable with me seeing you in your underwear" I blushed at this. "Do you want to go for a walk along the beach and then go get a ice-cream" He asked. I nodded nd Luke stood up and put his hand out for me to stand up. We were walking towards the water when i felt Luke's hand brush my so when it brushed against it again he held onto it and laced our fingers with each other. We walked up the beach and back to the car and all the food and blankets were all packed up into the car hich suprised me. We drove to the ice-creamery that we went to that night on a date as friends and we had the All Time Low playing for background noise while driving and we had talked about anything and everything.. Luke told me that Calum did the same as him with the whole beach thing and calum was the one who suggest it for Luke and we discussed our favourite foods. Then he went on about his band it is cool listen because he is so pasionate about it and the way he talks about his band mate because it all means so much to him.

We got out of the car when we made it to she ice-cream shop and we both got cookies and cream ice-cream. When we had finished that Luke was driving me home when i remebered that i needed to get the boys "Hey Luke do you think you can pick up my brothers on the way to my house" i ask 

"Yeah sure just show me where they are" Luke said nearing the house.

"Here it is" i told him hoping out and getting my brothers and they hoped in the back seat of the car. When we got to my house i gave the key to the boys and they ran up to open the house and went straight to their bedrooms probably. I lauged at them and turned to Luke. "I had fun tongiht" 

"So did i and i have one question for you, please don't be weirded out when i ask this, Okay" he looked extremely nervous

"Sure, what is it" i asked 

"So i know this is our first date, but would you like to be my Girlfriend" He said extremely fast.  Barely understandable but i understood. 

"Yes Luke i would love yo be your Girlfriend" Luke then entwind our fingers as we walked up to my front door.

I went to open the door and say good night to Luke but when i turned around our faces were so close to each other. 

Luke Then leaned in and so did i. This kiss was more pasionate than the other kisses we have shared and i could feel this strange feeling but i didn't know what i was, you know in the movies how they have that spark well it felt like that but it couldn't have been because that only happens in the movies. I really do enjoy his kisses as well they are so gentle. 

"Good Night Larissa see you tomorrow at school"

"Good Night Luke" and with that I turned around


Thanks for reading 

And i am sorry if it is shit I have never had a Boyfriend or anything so i have never experienced any of this before so i apologise again.

I hope you are enjoying this book 

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Thanx My Lovelies xx


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