Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Larissa's POV

-Leaving Luke's House-

When I left Luke's house i ran home as fast as i could. I unlocked the front door and raced up to my bedroom. I sat there for a minute before i burst into tears and couldn't control it any longer and was full on crying. I may have just made myself look like a dick in front of the guy that i have liked for a while now but i could never kiss him because even know i would like him to be my first kiss but i don't want him to just do kiss me i actually want him to like me and i know that he only was going to kiss me because it was just the in the spur of the moment.

Mum walked in a few minutes later and asked what had happened. I told her what had happened from me going over to Luke's house and doing our assignment to how he almost kissed me. Mum knew about how i liked Luke because i told her ages ago that i became nervous when i was around him and how he always made me smile and that is when i realised that i did like him. See mum and i are very close i can tell her everything.


It is now Friday and i have avoided Luke and Michael but Calum because he keeps coming over to us cause he can't stay away from Sabrina for one lunch break. Calum hasn't said anything about Luke and I so i am wondering if he knows or not because i think otherwise he might have said something. Today went pretty fast and i was catching the bus with Sabrina to my house and we were going to get her ready for her date tonight with Calum and when Calum is dropping her home tonight he is going to drop her back at my house so we can talk about how well the date goes and just catch up on everything and anything.

At the moment we are sitting on the bus and Luke is sitting right behind us so i put one headphone into my ear and the other one into Sabrina's ear. She noticed what i was doing.

"Larissa i know you like him, please can you stop ignoring him and talk about what happened that afternoon maybe he has an explanation on why he did that" She whispered so Luke couldn't hear us not that i think he can because he has one headphone in but who knows he might not even be listening to anything.

"I know the reason why and i think it is going to be awkward between us so, No"

"Yes it may be awkward between you two at the moment but if you speak to each other you may be able to let it slide and just forget about it or what not, and if you know the reason what is it?" she asked

"Well he was obviously in the moment you know when you get caught up in the moment sort of thing"

"Whatever" she muttered

We got off the bus and walked into my house and up to my bedroom and chucked our thing onto the floor by the bed and walked down to the kitchen and got some food. Then made our way make into my bedroom and got started on Sabrina's make up and outfit.

"Hey Sabrina, did he tell you what to wear"

"Yeah he said just shorts and a t-shirt no skirts or dresses"


"You go have a shower and if you want me to curl your hair don’t wash it tonight and you can wash it in the morning so it will be easier to curl.

"Okay" she yelled through the bathroom door.

While Sabrina was having a shower i picked out two outfits that i she might like than she can chose which one she likes the most. I turned on the curling iron so it was hot by the time Sabrina was dressed i heard the shower stop and i finished laying out the make up on the desk. She walked over to the bed where i had laid out the two outfits and picked one. She went back into the Bathroom and finished getting changed. She came out, picked the outfit she wanted to wear and got dressed then sat down in the chair and i started to apply make up on her face.

------------Hour later--------

We had finished doing the make-up and curling Sabrina's hair and we are waiting in the lounge room just talking among ourselves. Then we heard the doorbell.

I got up to go answer it and i came face to face with........Luke.

"Hey um what are you doing here" i asked the guy who was now standing in front of me that i had be avoiding for the past week.

"Um i came here Calum since he was taking Sabrina out he asked me to come with him" Luke replied playing with his fingers while he spoke.

 "Why would he ask you to come though since he is taking her out, and i thought he would want to take her out by himself?” I asked puzzled by why Calum asked him to go with him.

"Well, I don't really know, but i suppose we could talk about what happened last week though"

"I guess we could" I said not knowing whether i waned to or not, I would like to know why he was going to kiss me but then again I don’t because it might become awkward and I really don’t want that.

"Cool, then”

"Do you want to come in or do we want to discuss it out here” I ask sarcastically.

"Um yeah i will come in" He says while walking in and taking his shoes off at the door.

"Okay did you want anything to drink?" I ask politely because we can’t forget our manners now can we.  

"Just a water please" He says while walking over to the photos that are on the table and having a look around at my house.

“Okay I’ll be back in a minute then just give me a second.” I said then started to walk up to get Sabrina from my room and tell her that Calum was waiting out the front for her and have a good time with Calum. I told her that Luke was down stairs and she gave me a wink. I walked back down and got the glass of water i said i was getting Luke and walked back to the lounge room where he now was and handed the glass to him. I also got some chips and dip as well and sat them on the table.

"Here you go i got some snacks as well in case you were hungry, because i know i am" i said taking a chip and dipping it into the dip. I saw Sabrina walking towards the door so i yelled a good bye to her.

"Cya Sabina have fun tonight but not too much fun." I yelled to her.

"And remember to use protection” Luke and i both yelled quickly before she closed the door. We both laughed because we said it in sync but the laughter quickly stopped when we heard what she said next.

"Whatever Larissa i will, but i think it should be me worrying about you, so make sure you use protection" she yelled while enpshising the word ‘You’ back and slammed the door before i could reply.

"Whatever" I scoffed and Luke and i looked at each other and i could feel my cheeks heating up.

"So what do you want to do" Luke spoke up

"Um i don't know" I say. I really don’t want this to become awkward so I really hope he has an idea r something.

"How about i show you something" I nodded to say okay "Do you have a laptop" he asked

"Yeah i do i will go and get it" i said getting up from my spot on the lounge. I ran up and got my laptop then sat right next to Luke so i could see what he was doing on the laptop. He typed in 5 Seconds of Summer Teenage Dirtbag. I looked up at Luke confused.

"Whose 5 Seconds of Summer" i asked

"Um please don't judge but just have a look and please don't tell anyone, you are the only one that i have shown this to other than my mum, so please yeah" he responded nervously.

"Okay but that didn't answer my question though"

"This will." He quickly turned the laptop to face me and made sure the sound was on.

 "Oh my god." Was the first thing that I could say.

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