Chapter 49

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Luke's POV

*Girls arrive tomorrow*


This week has gone so fast i think it is because we go to record and write then we go eat get ready for the concert then go to bed and repeat and then we have the girls coming tomorrow so we are all excited and i hope there s no akwardness between Sabrina and Calum i really do but they both said it was for the best and things could possibly turn out that they are meant for each other.

So Today we are cleaning up the tour bus so the girls can actually sleep in here because we have things everywhere and on the other bunks that they will be using for one or two nights then we go and stay in the hotel for a few days then we might go back and stay on the tour bus for another few days and than i don't know what is happening for the rest of the time that they are going to be here but then sadly they will be going home. But i am so excited for them to be coming i did ask if they were aloud to travel with us for the rest of the tour but management said the most they could stay could be three weeks so we have told them that they are coming for one week and we have got them front row seats at one concert and the rest of the time they will be with us so they can go backstage.

"Luke" Calum calls from the other end of the bus. 

"What?" i call back walking towards where his voice is coming from.

"Please can you stop stealing my underwear i found some of my boxers on the floor under your bunk please stop using mine and get your own." He says this time only a lot more calmer. 

"What if i don't want to stop taking them because all mine are dirty' i say 

"If yours are dirty then clean them and don't take mine" Calum them starts yelling again and mumbling something under his breath. 

Ashton then walks into the room because he could here that we were yelling at each other from the other end of the tour bus. But we weren't going to fight-fight just Calum playfully tell me to stop using his underwear. 


Larissa's POV


We are Arriving in the UK today. Sabrina has been asleep the whole time we have been on the plane where as i can't sleep, i am so excited because i finally get to see my boys and possibly the One direction boys. I have never seen them live at a concert so this will be one of the best weeks of my life so far i can already tell.


2 Hours Later 

We are steping off the plane and on to the runway. while walking towards the airport building i spot 2 familiar faces. "Hey Sabrina, Look who it is" i point towards where the two boys are walking towards the sliding glass doors.

"Hey where are the other two boys i thought that Luke would definitely be here to see you" She said 

"Yeah i thought so to maybe he is doing something with Ash though, i don't know" i say walking towards the boys. "Heyo, i missed you two boys well i missed all of you but yeah, how are you" i say giving both the boys a hug. 

"We are both well" Michael says giving both Sabrina and i a hug same with Calum and so far no akwardsness between them two so that is good. 


"Luke, I missed you so much" i said running towards him. 

"Hey Larissa" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead and then attacked me in a hug we walked back to Luke's room and cuddled up on the bed. We were talking and just mucking around for a little while but there was something on Luke's mind but i couldn't tell what it was and he wouldn't tell me when i asked he said he was just happy i am here because he missed me but i couldn't help but wonder what it is. After we had talked we lay on the bed a cuddled up. We both feel asleep just like that in each others arms and to be honest it was actually really nice being in his arms again. 


Thanks for reading 

Sorry i haven't updated i had surgery and i didn't feel up to it 

You may be wondering what the hell has happened with this chapter well i have deleted the previous one and it is now in this one if you haven't already noticed 

Sorry again 

Thanx My Lovelies xx


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