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A/N: Yes, I'm writing a fan fiction. Yes it is about one of my favorite band, BVB. LISTEN! I LOVE JULIET SIMMS, BUT FOR RIGHT NOW LET'S PRETEND SHE DOESN'T EXIST! I really don't like to make her a villain.


"For the last time, Dean, I am not filling in for Melane!" I screamed and threw the plush pillow in my roommate's face.

"Come on, Scar. I like this gig you got us and I don't want to screw it up! You are the only other one in the band who can actually sing! PLEASE," he pleaded. Damn his puppy dog eyes. He must have decided to pull out all of those "I owe you one"s I've said over that past years.

"Ugh, you are shameless," I replied, "I'll do it." He squealed and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug. "But, you guys have to pay for ALL of my drinks at the bar and I get to pick all of the songs."

"So we don't have to perform that pop crap that she wrote?" he asked. Melane was your run of the mill 'preppy' girl. Funny, I thought she knew that high school ended.

"No. I'm going to get dressed. Text the guys and tell them that we're starting with House of The Rising Sun and ending with In The End." He quickly grabbed his phone and texted the guys. "I don't care about the rest, as long as it falls along those line," I said as I slid on my lace black muscle shirt, the one with the small batman embroidery over the left breast. I frowned at the very visible black bra that dared to poke out on my bare sides. Lets just say that sports bras are never obedient with me, so I never wore them. I guess people will just have to deal with my black push-up. I pulled out my black jeans and slid on my boots.

"I look like I did back in high school," I told Dean as he walked in.

"Well you were hot in high school, and if I weren't your best friend..."

"Shut up you perv," I said quickly cutting him off. I didn't want to let my imagine run any further. I put on my makeup; a cat eye, mascara, coral lipstick, and foundation. At least I didn't give myself the raccoon look like high school. Just a smokey grey on my water line and a sloppy winged lid. "I'm going to head out on my bike. I have a shift at the bar to take. I'll bring my guitar. See you in ten?"

"Yea, Now go! Your boss loves you, therefor, he loves us. Lets keep it that way," he said while pushing me out the door. I slung my guitar bag over my shoulder and headed for the elevator.


I pulled up to the bar, slid off my helmet, and gave my hair a quick toss. I opened the door and slid off my leather jacket, placing it on the coat rack. I walked over to the stage and carefully rested my guitar against one of the speakers.

"What's up, Scarlet," my boss, T.J., said as I hopped over the counter of the bar.

"Nothing much. Would you mind serving those guys that just sat down, I have to start a tab," I said while simultaneously pointing to the group of men that just took a seat at a booth next to the stage.

"A tab?" he asked while walking away from the counter. He quickly took their order and walked back. "Three Jack Daniels, a Stella, and a Coors," he reiterated. I prepared the drinks and told him the story.

"Melane quit the band, so you're now looking at the lead singer. I said I'd only do it if I get to pick the set and the guys pay for my drinks."

"You little con artist," he said while grabbing the tray of drinks. T.J. was possibly the best manager I could ask for. He was only a few years older than me, and let me get away with everything. Not that I did bad things. Often. He wasn't a power hungry tyrant like the owner.

"Are we good here? Can I go practice?" He gave me a quick nod and I went over to my guitar. I unzipped my baby from its bag and took a seat at one of the stools. I pulled out a couple of my most complicated cords to make sure I was prepared. The feeling of the strings gliding under my fingers was my home. I had been playing ever since I was six.

Just then the guys walked in. Alex, our drummer, ran over and hugged me. "You are a lifesaver!" he said.

"Thanks Scar," mumbled David. He played bass, and the oldest of us. Dean played back up guitar, and if I had it my way, he still will. I was not giving up my spot.

"Does anyone know why Melane quit?" I asked. Dean rubbed the back of his neck nervously, looking anywhere but at us.

"I kinda broke up with her," he confessed.

"I don't know whether I should feel happy or sad. I'm going to go with happy. The house finally fell on that witch." The boys only laughed at my remark. "Let's get this over with. Oh, and I'll start with a Bourbon." The guys moaned and got my drink.

We set up our instruments and each practiced a bit before Dean officially introduced us. No alcohol in the world would ever make me calm down.


The guys and I sat and worked on our drinks while listening to the band warm up. From what I heard when the girl was playing her guitar, they should be good. She managed to impress us, even Ashley, who thought we were the shit. I was actually anxious. We could see the stage perfectly from our booth, and I was surprised that no one noticed us. The bar was somewhat busy, but not packed.

One of the band members introduced themselves. "Hi everyone, we're The Blue Phantom. I know, shitty name. Thanks for coming out tonight, but we've made some slight adjustments. Our lead singer recently quit, and we definitely aren't complaining. It is an extreme honor to introduce, for thee fist time, Scarlet Black." Their lead singer stepped up and slapped the guy who introduced her in the arm. She grabbed her drink that was sitting on a stool on the stage, took a long swig, cringed as the sour alcohol washed down her throat, and grabbed the mic.

"Screw the introductions, let's just get this over with," she grumbled. A few people in the bar whistled and cheered. The drummer started with a steady beat and the girl started to sing.

"There is, a house, in New Orleans,

They call it the rising sun," I couldn't believe it. Her voice was amazing, haunting even. I looked at the guys, who looked at each other at the same time. We were all wide eyed.

"And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy,

And God, I know I'm one," I looked back at the singer. Cheers came from the bar-goers. Wherever their original lead went, it was for the better. Her voice was low and powerful, yet sweet. It sounds like a kind mother who would sing to her baby at night, yet with a dark twist.

The band finished their song, then moved onto something more modern. Bittersweet Memories by Bullet For My Valentine was played. It was even better being sung by her. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"Looks like Andy found his new obsession," said Jake.

"Hey, earth to Andy." CC waved is hand in front of my face, puling me back into reality.

"We have to meet her," was all I said.

A/N: There it is! Chapter one of my first fan fiction. Totally cheesy but feel free to vote, comment, and share. Don't forget to check my other stories. This one will most likely be updated by Monday.

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