
394 14 14

A/N: ⚠️ not really wanting to mention that the reading numbers on the past few chapter have been in the 50s range, but the one that had 'Explicit' in the title had over 100. You dirty little horndogs⚠️

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIERSACK!!!! Today is the day your mother went through ours of pain to give the world a 14 year old frozen in time. I hope it is joyous. ((Even though this is late cause I didn't get the chapter out on the expected date))


"Are you really leaving today?" I asked CC he was packing all of his things, almost ready to leave for his apartment. He had only been here for about a month. I was expecting him to stay longer. It was only October.

"Yea. Not to mention that you and Scarlet have been fucking, like twice a week. It's a little loud."

"Sorry man," I apologized, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"It's no big deal. You guys are one of the healthiest couples I see. Have as much fun as you want. Plus, I need a place of my own. I can't sit around here and freeload." I handed my band mate some of his things that he shoved into suitcases. We sat in silence,just peacefully thinking.

I heard the front door open and close, then the sound of heels on the hard wood. "Scarlet's home!" I said, jumping up and running out of the room.

She had gone out on some errands, but I swear it takes to fucking long. I knew I should have gone with her when she offered.

I ran into the kitchen where she was, taking the groceries out of her hands, picking her up, and spinning her around. She playfully hit my back, telling me to put her down. I did, but still kept her close. "What was that all about?"

"You were gone for so long," I said, resting my forehead on hers.

"It was two hours. Not that long, babe."

"We're always together, so when you're gone for that long, it feels like forever." Scar shook her head and kissed my nose. she tried to pull away, but I kept her in my arms.

"Andyyyyyy. I have to make lunch."

"No you don't. We could just order pizza. Pizza works," I said.

"We had pizza yesterday. I was going to make fried chicken and a salad that you probably won't eat." I laughed and let her go, watching her hips swing as she walked.

CC came out into the living room, luggage in tow. "Well, I'm on my way out."

"Aw really? At least stay for lunch," she suggested, continuing to bread the chicken. "Please?" I nodded in agreement.

"I guess I could stay." I cheered and grabbed us some drinks.


CC had left after lunch, and Scarlet and I decided to just relax. We were on the couch, watching tv as usual. I had her nuzzled into my side, playing with the many rings on her fingers.

"Halloween's coming up again," she said.

"It is. What do you want to do this year? Danny said they were doing a concert, so they aren't able to have a party."

"You wanna just stay home and pass out candy?"

"That sounds nice." Then I brought up something that I've noticed for a while. "Have your boobs gotten bigger?" She looked at her chest, eyebrows raising.

"I think so. Only you would notice that."

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" We laughed and turned our heads back to the current TV show.


After our small time of relaxation, I had to do some work. E-mailing supervisors about the upcoming tour, the album release, press conferences, interviews, and photo shoots. Andy was still wrapped up in the new series I showed him, Salem.

My stomach began to tighten in knots, as it had been al day and a little bit of yesterday, but I ignored it. As I worked, the pain began to worsen, threatening for tears to spill over. Slowly, I got up and walked to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. My face was washed out and pale, small drops of sweat beading in my forehead. I gripped the edge of the sink as I bit my lip, hoping that the pain would subside.

It didn't.

I screamed as my vision blurred. It felt like someone was stabbing my abdomen with a knife.

"Scarlet?!" I heard Andy scream. Him rushing towards me was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

A/N: THIS WAS SHORT FOR A REASON!!!! I literally just updated the Smutletts, so go check that out. One more request and they will be open.

I bet you can tell what happened; it's not rocket science. I've been hinting at it for some time now. There will be feels!

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