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A/N: ya' know...... just casually reading my own fan fiction because I think it's so damn good.....



Andy fed me the small piece of cotton candy, laughing as I ate it. We had been on the boardwalk for a good 4 hours, still having fun and playing games. At heart, we were 6 year olds. Little, punk ass, sex crazed 6 year olds.

"Ooh look! Basketball!" Andy said, grabbing my hand and pulling me too the basketball game. He pulled out a few bucks and placed them on the counter. The game master handed him four basketballs, explaining the rules.

"You get 4 shots. If you make all four, you get to pick from the jumbo prizes, 3 the large, 2 the medium, and 1 is small," he said in a monotone voice.

I gave Andy a good luck kiss. He smiled and began to shoot. As predicted, the first one went in, swooshing in the white roped net. He grabbed the second ball, waited a bit, and shot again.

It went in, not a single hesitation.

Andy gave a small fist bump in the air. He was a little more hesitant to grab the third, but still went in strong. That one made it in as well, circling the hoop a few times.

By now, the man running the stand had an eyebrow raised. He was watching very carefully.

Slowly, Andy reached for the last ball. I was actually anxious, wondering if it was really going to make it in. Either way, he ended up with a prize, but I could tell he wanted the best.

With smooth skill, Andy threw the ball. It went into the hoop, and Andy cheered. I gave him a quick hug, and the man stood there dumbfounded.

"You're the first person in months to win," he said. Andy smirked. I knew he liked the should of that. "Alright, pick any prize from the top shelf."

He pointed to the giant black teddy bear. It looked almost as big as me. The worker hopped onto a stool and pulled it down, handing it to Andy. Even he had a hard time with the size.

Andy turned to me and gave me the bear. "For m'lady," he sang.

I laughed and excepted the gift, kissing Andy briefly.

"Do you wanna head home, Batman?"

"Why not, Snow White." We linked our hands together, equally holding the large bear, and walked to the car. It wasn't very long before we made it.

I shoved the large plush into the back seat and slipped into the passengers. I took in the smell of fresh leather, as I always did in his amazing car. I loved Andy's taste in cars. Even if he drove a spots vehicle, he had a specific taste for the old ones. It was his bream to own an Impala.

Andy turned the keys in the ignition, lighting the low hum of the vehicle. "I love you," I said, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too."


We burst though out door, laughing. I dropped the giant ass bear and began to run around the house, away from Andy who was trying to tickle me. He knew it was my weakness, that jerk.

Sadly, heels and a tall boyfriend didn't work out, and he shortly caught me. I was pulled into his long, strong arms, and tackled to the ground. Andy made sure to cushion my fall my placing his arms behind my back.

I was straddled and my sides were attacked by his strong, nimble fingers. "S-stop it-t!" I squealed.


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