A Good Day

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(A/N: So some of you have stopped reading.... WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE?!?! Lol but seriously, if you don't want to continue to read this fan fiction, share it with someone who will! That is all. )


I stood there in complete shock, happiness, and silence. There he was, on one knee, giving me a promise ring. It was so high school sweetheart, but I loved it.

His eyes filled with hope as he awaited my answer. "Why would you even think I'd say no," I responded, my smile growing. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up and spinning me around. Andy placed me back on the ground and our lips collided. It was slow, yet passionate. I melted into the familiar taste of smoke and mint in his mouth, knowing I was probably the same.

As Andy pulled away, he plucked the ring out of the tiny crevice in the box, and slid it on my left ring finger. "I love you," I said, looking at him and smiling.

"I love you too. So much. Much more that you will ever know. It's like my whole life, I was missing something. No other girl could fill the hole, but somehow you did. You and your beautiful heart," he stated, pressing my body against his. I felt the tears make their way out of my eyes, and Andy kissed them away.

"You give me hope. Until now, I was alone and I wanted so badly for everything to end. I was taking three different pills so I didn't do something stupid, but now, the only drug I need is you," I replied, revealing the secret of my depression to him. His smile faltered, and turned into one of sympathy.

"I'm sorry I didn't meet you sooner," he added.

"Well I have you now." I kissed him again, then pulled away and sat down. Andy laid out a blanket and I released Crow from his plastic prison. It was just to funny to watch him hop on top of the flowers. Andy wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we laid backed, just watching the clouds. Then, he began to sing.

"I open my lungs, dear.

I sing this song at funerals, no rush.

These lyrics heard a thousand times,

Just plush." I focused on his soothing voice until he stopped.

"Sing it with me," he asked, so I did. Together, we recited the words of The Morticians Daughter.

"We booked our flight those years ago,

You said you loved me as you left me,

Regrets still haunt my hollow head,

But I promise you that I will see you again." we continued 'till the ballad was over.

"Promise me you'll never leave me," he begged. It caught me off guard, so I tuned to my side to face him.

"Why would I ever leave you?" I asked.

"Because there are plenty of guys that are better than me."

"I don't give a shit. They can be a million times better, but I still want to be with you. I only love you Andy, and I can promise that won't go away. Not any time soon." he hugged me on the little mat, and soon Crow joined as well. It was just the 2 and a half of us.

After about five minutes of pure cuddling, Andy pulled away and got our lunch out. Sandwiches, fruit, salad, and a bottle of white wine. "I didn't know you drank this," I said a s I examined the alcohol.

"I don't usually, but this was a special occasion. Very special." I can hear Ella 'awwww'ing in my head.

Andy opened the bottle and handed me a half-full glass. We ate, poking fun at each other, and giving Crow small pieces of chicken.

"We have a photo shoot and interview tomorrow for Kerrang! magazine," Andy said.

"Really? They want me?"

"Why wouldn't they? They said they wanted a few words about how you feel the day before tour."

"I've just never seen myself as that interesting. 'Oh look, it's what's-her-face! Aww fuck it, lets just go to someone more important,'" I mocked, causing Andy to laugh.

"H-hey," he said, trying to catch his breath, "your totally interesting. You make killer jokes!"

"Shut up, Andy."

"You know you love me," he poked.

"I do. Very much so," I said, leaning forward and kissing him. I pulled away and though about something that had been bugging me for a while now. "Andy, I've told you a shot ton about myself, now I want to get to know what your childhood was like."

"Well, I had a mom, a dad, kickass grandparents. I was an only child. Ummmm... I got bullied in school." He said that last part a little quieter. I nuzzled myself more into his chest and felt his body relax. "Got the usual name calling. 'Emo,' 'fag,' and 'scum,' but nothing to bad."

"That is bad," I said. "No one deserves to be treated that way, especially for being who they want to be."


She actually thought my problems were bad. Millions of kids get bullied. It not like it ruined me. "Babe, it's not terrible. You did nothing, and you got shit from your parents. That asshole who told you he loves you, he- he b-beat you!" I said, raising my voice slightly. I looked down to her, seeing the fear in her eyes. "You didn't deserve any of tha-"

"Neither did you," she cut me off.

"Yea, but I don't understand how you could have such a fucked up past, and still feel bad for others. It's ok to feel sorry for yourself once and a while, Scar."

I saw the look in her eyes again. She kept thinking that she deserved to be abused. I pulled her towards me and lifted up her shirt, revealing the large scar. I don't think it was a coincidence that it was also her nickname.

I looked into her bright emerald eyes; they were full of sadness. I bent down and kissed the scar that ran from the v-line of her hips, all the was up to what I guessed was her last rib. Her chest shook as she tried to catch her breath, but she eventually gave in and laid back down on the blanket. I was now hovering over her, lips still attached to the slight discoloration of the healed wound.

Everything was mushy-gushy with us, but that's the way I liked it. I was never one to be sweet, except for when I had a girlfriend around. Scarlet just intensifies it. I wanted to treat her like a princess. I wanted her to feel so much love that it hurts. I wanted her to understand that she will always be the only girl I'll ever love.

"You never did anything to anyone. You never angered anyone. You always said the right things and acted the right way, yet you were still punished. You didn't deserve it," I stated, simply. She tried to say something, but I pressed the tips of my fingers to her lips. "I was a bad kid. I caused fights, I stole, and I vandalized. I had those words coming. Even if I didn't "deserve" it, you didn't need that. You should have been protected, cherished, and for the hell of it, worshiped. You are the most amazing, beautiful, kind, talented, and intelligent girl I have ever met. And I love you." I kissed her sweetly, then we called it a day. A very good one.

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