Heading Home

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"Now boarding flight 342 from LA to Cincinnati," the voice on the intercom said. Andy and I got up, grabbing our many bags and heading for the terminal.

"Are you excited to see your mom and dad?" I asked, squeezing his hand.

"Yea. I haven't spent Christmas with them in a while. It'll be nice to get away from things." Andy and I were flying to his parent's for Christmas and his birthday. Ever since the miscarriage, his mom insisted we visit. It would be nice to get a break. The album was done, all tracks going through editing. January and February would be promotional months, the tours starting March.

"Well, they'll be excited to see us. All of us." I gestured to the two crates, Crow and Bat sleeping. Since CC and Lauren split, we had no one to watch the cats, so we took them with us.


Mid-flight, Bat started mewling in his crate. I knew he wouldn't stop. Andy pressed the stewardess button. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm going to ask her if we can let Bat out. He just needs you; he's scared," Andy stated, pressing the button again. Bat continued to softly whine, but not attract attention other than the woman behind us 'aww'ing.

"How may I help the two of you?" the pompous woman asked.

"We were just wondering if we could let our kitten out. He's just a little scared. We don't want him to disturb anyone," Andy explained.

"I don't see why not. If you guys could just keep him in your area, that you'll be great." She smiled her pearly whites, not a hair out of place as she talked.

"Thank you." I opened up the cage, maneuvering past a sleeping Crow and pulling my baby boy out. Bat quickly hopped into my lap, resting his head in the valley of my breasts.

"Hey," Andy chuckled, "that's my spot." I slapped his shoulder, then petting the top of Bat's head. His blue eyes closed, nuzzling even more into my chest. I was wearing a dark blue v-neck, which he must have enjoyed. "Scar," Andy said. I turned to see him puckering his lips. I gave him a quick peck. Andy wanted more, but I denied him, seeing as how we were in public.

A short burst of rapid moment in the corner of my vision caught my eye. I turned to see a young boy, black side swept hair and a nose ring, gawking at me. I gave him a small wave. Andy turned and waved hello as well. The young man's grin only grew wider.


As we got off the plane, I searched for the kid in the row next to us. Him and his mother were walking through the airport. Andy and I caught up to him, walking by his side. "Hey there," I stayed.

"Oh- bu- you.... Hi." He stumbled over his words, his voice timid. "You're S-scarlet Black a-and Andy B-biersack."

"Yup," Andy said, popping the 'p'.

"C-can I get a picture?" He twiddled his thumbs, his mother not to far off to the side, smiling.

"Of coarse, sweetie. What's your name?" I asked. He pulled his phone out f his pocket, handing it too his mother.


"Well, Cameron, it's nice to meet a fan." I did the usual, a side hug as Andy rested his elbow on his head. His mom took a few shots, all of us smiling for the camera.

"Alrighty," she cheered, handing the boy back his phone.

"Thanks!" I ruffled his hair, kissing his forehead.

"Thank you. I wouldn't be anywhere without fans like you, Cameron." The boy touched his forehead in disbelief. Andy and I walked away, all of our bags in your hands, waving a goodbye.

"That was really nice of you. Just another reason why I'm in love," Andy whispered, lips brushing against my temple. I felt my cheeks heat up and my stomach wrench with the sudden urge to kiss him.


My parents were sitting in the living room, watching tv as Scarlet and I cooked dinner. Mom and Dad had welcomed us with open arms, as usual. They had the cats with them, spoiling the little bastards.

"How do I do it?" I asked, little bits of ground beef stuck to my fingers. Scarlet chucked, pulling the meat off my hands and forming it into a ball.

"See?" I nodded, copying what she did.

We continued to make the meatballs, preparing them for the pasta. Scarlet also made some garlic bread, the aroma filling the whole house. Who doesn't love garlic bread.

I set the table along with Scar, watching her every move. What she was wearing was simply torture to my eyes; a beautiful little black tress, fitted around the torso but a flared out skirt. It was really the legs. I fucking loved her long legs. She wasn't too tall, maybe 5'5", but man did those calves and thighs run for miles.

"Mom, Dad, dinner's ready!" I called. They walked into the dinning room, taking a seat on the cushioned chairs.

Dinner went off without a hitch. My parents enjoyed the food and conversation. Before we went to bed, Scarlet thanked them for all the support they had been providing, resulting in a good old Biersack Bear Hug.

I held onto the small of her back as we walked up the stairs, first to the bathroom to brush our teeth, and then into my tiny room. Still, the same band posters and images littered the walls. She laughed under her breath, that cute little sound ringing in my ears.

I turned Scarlet around, pulling my off her shirt and kissing her collar bone with passion. She worked on her pants, caught up in the moment.

We hadn't had sex since we lost the baby; she was too scared. I had a feeling, though, that we would while we were at my parents place. I would have to push her a little. I felt guilty for thinking about it that way, but how else was she suppose to move forward?

By now, my lips had reached that area below her ear, sucking and nipping. I heard a small moan escape her lips as I pushed her onto the bed. "Andy," she said.

"I know. You're not ready. I'll wait." I moved my lips to hers, gently invading her mouth. Her dainty arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer.

"Thank you," she whispered when I pulled away.

"I would never force you to do that. Yea, I'll urge you to, but I know that no means no baby," I replied. I plopped down next to Scarlet, pulling her into my chest. I kissed her head, playing with her curls, and drifted off into a beautiful sleep next to the one I loved.


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