Old Habbits Die Hard

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(A/N: So the reason this chapter was delayed is because I wanted to add some pictures, but fluck it. I'll put them in next time.)


"Hey you good little boy," I said to the white puffball sitting on my lap. The date; January 1st. The new year passed quietly because Andy and I stayed in and just got drunk. To be honest, I don't really remember what exactly happened.

I was sitting with my laptop on the table, answering tweets about the album that was just released today. "Takeover" (the album) already had several thousand sales. The top songs that were individually bought were Sweet Child 'O Mine, Numb, and Bitchcraft. The last one was about none other than Melane.

"Hey baby girl," Andy said as he wrapped his arms around my neck from behind.

"Hey! Look, look!" I said, pointing to all the lovely tweets fans were leaving.

"It's great, isn't it? Soon, you'll feel so connected with your fans. They become everything." It was already happening.

Andy went over to the coffee pot and poured both of us a cup. Black, just like we both like it. "We leave for tour in two days," he stated.

"Yeah. I need to pack." He smirked when I mentioned, but I hoped he didn't do anything sneaky.

"So, I was thinking that maybe today we could go to my place and get some of my things moved in. Is that ok with you?" I asked, typing a response to a very sweet girl who said she loved our album and that 'Numb' helped her through problems. I loved the feeling of helping these people through a positive outlet. It was like I was giving back, but still enjoying myself doing it.

"That's perfect. Ya know, you don't always need my approval, babe. You are a free person." The statement struck me hard. I had know idea how much Michael had actually brainwashed me. When I was with him, it was one of his rules for me to address him properly and to always follow his orders. Old habits die hard.

"Sorry, it's just Michael would always make me ask for permission before I did anything," I responded, holding my coffee close to me.

"Don't feel sorry. We can get through this. Together."

"Yeah. Together." I smiled up at this amazing man, right into his perfect blue eyes. We were together, and I couldn't be happier.


I was folding laundry on Andy's bed when he came up behind me and kissed my neck. It really was hard to concentrate, but I decided to tease him by not giving in.

It became harder and harder to stifle each moan when he was biting and sucking in my neck. Luckily, he hadn't found my sweet spot, but he was pretty close. Slowly, his plump lips made there way up to the area the corner of my jaw connected with my neck. I let out a small breath when his tongue lapped over the small area.

"Found it," he whispered in my ear. Fuck the laundry. I threw the almost full basket off of the bed and shoved the other clothes aside. Andy gently laid me down onto the soft pillows and blankets. His mouth attached back to my neck and kissed again. This time, I didn't try and cover up anything. We were both moaning and grabbing and rubbing.

After a few minutes, Andy pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I want to take you somewhere today. Forget moving your stuff in, I'll have someone do it on tour."

"Ok, but later?"

"Oh, sweet girl, definitely later." Andy went back to kissing me and slowly slid my shirt over my head. He grabbed my hands and kissed both of them. "They're so tiny, yet so perfect," he whispered to me. "You're so perfect." I giggled and peeled his Misfits shirt off. My hands roamed over his bare chest, his tattooed arms (my personal favorite being the inverted crux). Andy bent down and kissed my batman tattoo and I glided my hands over his poison apple.

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