Goodbye For Now (Explicit!)

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A/N: Huge time skip!

I'm going to work on an update schedule. For now, just assume that the Smutletts and the rant book are on hiatus until then. I have some pretty bad writers block.



I held Scarlet to my chest as close as possible, taking it all in. Tomorrow, I was leaving for tour. Without her.

The holidays had come and gone, along with her birthday. We spent as much time as we could together this past week, clinging onto as many good memories as possible.

That question and ring were still in the back of my mind.

"I love you so much, Andy," she whispered.

"I know. And I love you. It's only a month, honey. We can get through this. I promise." I continued to cuddle with my girlfriend as she tried to nuzzle herself even closer to me. Her body was so warm, skin so perfectly smooth.

She climbed on top of me, arms at the sides of my head and kneed by my sides. "Once?" she asked. "Before you leave?"

"How could I turn down suck an amazing offer?"


I kissed the cats on their furry little heads, lugging my bag around the first floor. The cab was waiting for me outside. Scarlet, my beautiful and perfect girl, was waiting for me by the door. I could see tears in her glimmering eyes, just about to spill over.

"Hey now," I whispered as I pulled her into my arms. "Dry those tears. I won't leave if I know you had been crying." Her frail and shaking hands rested on my shoulders. Scarlet seemed so fragile in that moment, not Something I didn't usually see from her.

"Sorry," she muttered, pulling away a bit. My thumb made its way too her neck, rubbing at the numerous love bites I left for her.

"Don't be. I'll call, text, and Skype every day. I promise. And for the hell of it, I'll stay away from bars and clubs. That way, I don't have to worry about getting shit faced and hurting myself, and I'll have more time to talk to you," I said. I knew she had that tiny little feeling in the back of her brain that I might cheat. I know I had it. While I didn't see Scar as the unfaithful kind, I knew she was an amazing girl that any man or woman would find attractive. I also knew she wouldn't need me as much as I need her, even if she begs to differ.

"I'm going to miss you so much. I won't be able to kiss you for four weeks," she whimpered, eyebrows knitting together.

"Well, let's make this one unforgettable." I pressed my lips to hers, kissing with so many different feelings. Sadness, angst, happiness, lust, anger, jealousy, sorrow, greed, but most of all, pure, unadulterated love. I loved her more than I lived my band. I loved Scarlet more than I loved myself. I loved her more than I loved life. And I'll never stop loving her.

I knew Scarlet felt it too. Her entire form was tense at first, but then she melted into it. Her arms draped around my neck and I picked her up, wrapping her legs around my waist.

We kissed for a long time, until the cab driver honked his horn. She blushed a bit, hopping down.

"I'll see you tonight, as soon as I get on the bus. Have your computer on, gorgeous." I gave Scarlet one last peck before walking out the door and into my one month of living hell.


I woke up with no Andy to hold. Today was the first day of his tour, and it was already killing me. How was a going to do this for an entire month?

My phone dinged on the nightstand. I pulled it off of its charger, smiling at the text Andy had just sent me. 'Good morning baby. I miss you so much already. You were in a dream of mine last night. <3'

I laughed, beginning to reply. 'How did you know I woke up?'

'You always wake up at this time Scar. I make sure your comfy and in my arms before that.' I smiled again, happy at all the little things he always does.

'What was your dream about?' I asked.

'You know... The dirty things.' I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, face turning red.

'Well, you're going to have a month without those dirty things.'

'Don't remind me. Just the idea hurts.' I really didn't know how to respond. It was like he was edging further and further into the conversation, which I was guessing would end in phone sex. Sure enough, the next words that Andy typed were, 'Call me.'

((A/N: this part gets kind of smutty))

I had his number on speed dial. He picked up after only one ring. "Hello, love," Andy said in his silky deep voice.

"Hey baby." I thought I would play along, for now.

Andy moaned into the phone, my guess, touching himself. "Scarlet," he whispered.

"Where are you right now?"

"In a motel room," Andy panted. "The guys aren't here. Just you and I," he reassured.

"Good," I mumbled.

"I want you so badly right now, honey," he whispered, obvious breaks in his voice.

"You already have me Andy."

"Talk to me babe. I want to hear your voice," Andy said a little more strongly than last time.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked seductively.

"Anything. You always sound hot."

"I wish I was with you. We could be doing whatever you wanted. Tell me, baby, if I was there, what would you do to me?" I asked. Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing. Was any of this attractive?

"I would fuck you senseless."

"Is that a promise?" I asked.

"Scarlet, that's a motherfucking vow." In the background, I could hear his hand swiftly moving up his shaft.

"Faster," I demanded.

"Oh baby-" I cut him off.

"No talking unless I say so. Understand?"


"Good," I said flatly. I listened to Andy's heavy breathing and grunting. I snaked my hand down under the bedsheets, pushing my thong aside and managing my clit. "Andy..." I moaned. He picked up even more speed.

We continued this, talking each other through masturbation. I felt myself get closer before Andy's finally grunt pushed me over the edge.

"That was great baby," he whispered. "I wish I was there to hold you."

"I wish you were here too. Now I have to wash the sheets," I complained.

"And I have to clean off my chest. Really, though, I want you with me. This one month thing is going to suck."

We continued to talk until Andy had to get on the bus. During our conversation, I washed the dishes and mopped the floors, much to Andy's protest. He said he wanted me to relax.

"I'll Skype you later tonight, after the first show. Ok, baby?" he said.

"Yup. I have to go in for a photoshoot with the guys later today."

"I can't wait to see. Good luck."

"You too, Andy. I love you."

"I love you more," he said, hanging up.

A/N: I would go all the way to the photo shoot, but this chapter is kind of long. At least I think it it.

Anyway, please go check out another Andy fanfic I have. It is based off of a Smutlett!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Especially comment. I love seeing feedback. I'm going to go eat a bowl of cereal now. Bye.

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