Darling, You'll be Ok

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A/N: Agh I keep writing. Anything to distract myself from this hell we call Earth right? And there goes pessimistic me. Go! Go back into your hole!

I stared down into her eyes. Occasionally, those bright emerald orbs would blink, and her chest would rise and fall, but that was all the movement she made.

She was in a state of shock, at least that's what her friends Riley (a 'medical professional') said over the phone. The only thing we could do is wait it out. It would take a few hours. So far it's been 4.

Dean was on the phone with a man named James, Tobias's supposed fiancé. They were talking about the death. Apparently, Tobias had swallowed a bottle of pills and hanged himself. He left a note, but it said it was suppose to be read by Scarlet first.

We were trapped. We didn't know what to do. Our next stop was New Jersey, but the funeral was in New York. Jon and Penny were planning out what to do. And there was no guarantee that Scar would be able to perform. And I was definitely not leaving her side.

I continued to blot the wet cloth over her face as she lied down on the couch. My other hand was held tightly in hers. Her expression was the same; pure, unadulterated, sadness. I would do anything to pull her out of this state. I decided to focus on anything else other than her pain.

The bus was silent. We were still moving, but the only person talking was Dean. Everyone was to shocked to speak. We may not have known Tobias, but we did know that he was the reason Scarlet was with us. He was the person that told her to be who she really was, to make amazing music. And now he was gone.

Her fingers twitched, getting my hopes up, only to be motionless.

I decided that we needed a little privacy, so I picked her up and carried her to the back room. I placed her down on the bed, where just yesterday, we were making love.

Now she was broken into pieces.

I wish I could take all of her pain and put it onto myself. I didn't want her to feel this way. She doesn't deserve this. As much as I hate to say it without knowing the full story, I realized how selfish Tobias had been. He had so much to care for. His acting career, his fiancé, his sister, and all of his friends. They cared for him. I couldn't help but wonder what drove him to killing himself.

No I don't blame him for her pain. I can't really blame anyone. I can only help her through this.

So I cried.

I cried so hard.

I buried my head in the curve of her neck and sobbed. "Baby, please. Please try. I know you can handle this. You've gone through so much. Don't let this be the thing to take you down. You're so much stronger."


To hear him cry like that; it killed. Andy, nor Scarlet, needed this. None of us did. But it still happened. And to hear my band mate sob over his girlfriend's state pulled at all of our guts. We all looked at each other. A small tear trailed down CC's cheek. We would both fell the same way if this happened to Ella or Lauren.

Each broken sob that left Andy's mouth was like a kick in the stomach. He didn't close the door, meaning we heard everything. Him begging her to do something, swearing to God for being such and asshole if he did exist, begging for Tobias to be alive because he was essentially the only family she had. To think he could be so torn up about the death of her brother, someone he never even met.

I respected him greatly.

Because real men cry when they find a reason. And hell, if this wasn't a reason, I don't know what is.

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