Little Lion Man

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'Incoming call from: Claire Black'

Holy hell. My mother was calling. Hesitantly, I answered the phone. "Hello," I said, my greeting coming out stronger than I thought my voice could carry.

"Scarlet, honey, how are you!" She said cheerily. The anger bubbled in my stomach. I didn't understand how someone could be that happy knowing that pushed someone to suicide.

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to talk to my daughter! I wanted to see how you were doing, and I heard you go a boyfriend!" she squealed, drawing out the last word. I wanted to blow up, to call her a bitch and tell her off, but I couldn't. I was with Andy's parents.

"No. Leave me alone. Don't call me again. Ever," I said quietly, my brow furrowing. I hung up the phone and put it down on the table.

Andy was looking at me, beautiful blue eyes wide. "Who was that, babe..."

"My mother."

His confusion subsided but was replaced with anger. I was just scared. What the hell did my parents want with me? Why did they call me? "What did she want?" he asked sternly.

"To know how I was doing," I croaked, on the verge of tears. "I'm going to go lay down. Excuse me." I walked swiftly out of the room and up the stairs. I entered Andy's room and closed the door quietly, not wanting to make a scene in a new place.

I could feel the panic attack coming on. It wouldn't be the first time I had one. I actually had a long history of them, ever since I was little. My parents put so much pressure on me that I developed anxiety. They where terrible in middle school and freshman year, but went away for a while as soon as I let loose. They came back when Michael started to beat me. Those were the worst. I blacked out several times, fainting and hitting my head.

I sat on the floor, my back against the side of the bed. I put my head between my knees, welcoming the darkness and comfort it provided. I focused on my breathing, counting up from 1. That usually helped. I continued the process, letting my body shake as I got colder. The worst part was the shaking, but trying to hold it back made me feel worse. My body was sweating, yet goosebumps graced my arms. The shaking was also caused by the fear, an opposing force that was usually nothing. Now, however, a was scared of something that could actually hurt me: my parents.

Andy walked in, and at the sight of me, rushed over to my side. He picked me up and sat down on the bed, holding me. Usually, restraint would make it worse, but this time it felt good. I knew I could trust Andy with my life, and after about 5 minutes, I was able to calm down.

"Shhhhh, baby. I promise I'll protect you. It's going to be alright," he whispered, handing me a tissue to wipe away the tears.

'Why the fuck am I such I cry baby,' I thought.

"You're not a cry baby. You have every right to be sad or scared right now, Scarlet," Andy said, making me realize I was talking out loud. He nuzzled his cheek to the top of my head, his hands rubbing up and down my arms. "It's going to be hard, and holding back your tears will make it harder. It's not your job to be strong. It's your job to keep moving forward. You have a lot on your plate right now, but you also have all of us helping you."

"Thanks," I said, sniffling. He was right. No one was asking me to be tough.


"After explaining the situation to my mom, I went upstairs to find Scarlet having a panic attack. After the first attack, she told me that they happen once in a while. So, I prepared myself.

After it subsided, I still held her in my arms.


"Yes love," I said.

"Why did you ask me out?" I honestly didn't know why she was asking. I had a million reasons.

"Well, I wanted to be with you for a number of things."


"Babe, why are you asking? I think that you are the most perfect woman I have ever met, and I would be an idiot to not want to be your boyfriend. When I saw you performing our songs in the bar, I had to know who you were. Your voice was that powerful. You were so gorgeous and smart, plus you were wearing a batman shirt...." She giggled and leaned into my chest more.

"I love you."

"I love you too Scarlet."


I needed Scarlet. She said she would help me through this! The box was burning a hole in my pocket. I looked up at Ella from the table, her eyes glittering in the dim candlelight.

"What's wrong Jake?" she asked.

"Nothing. There's just something I have to do," I said. I got up from my seat and over to the side of her chair. By now, everyone in the restaurant was looking out way.

"Jake?" I got down on one knee and pulled the black velvet box out of my pocket. Andy had told me about the time he had given Scarlet the promise ring, so I was trying to follow his directions.

"Ella, babe, I love you so very much. We have been together for what seems like forever, and now you are giving me a child. I could think of no other way I would want to spend my life with you. Would you please be my Mrs. Pitts?" I awaited her answer. She was shocked.

"Oh my God Jake, yes!" She jumped out of her chair and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me. There was loud applause and she pulled away. Ella kissed me fiercely and continuously, and the applause faded into whistles.

I went back downstairs to get some water. My parents waited patiently for any updates on the situation. "Scarlet is fine. Her mother called. We need to deal with the lawyers in two days, so I think we'll be leaving tomorrow. I hate to go, and you guys have been great to her, but you know."

"We understand son," my father said, resting a firm hand on my shoulder, "you're being a real man, taking on her problems and helping her through them."

"Thanks dad."

I finished filling up the glasses of water and walked back to my room. These past few days had been the most stressful in my life, but it was relieving to know that I had someone by my side to ease the tension.

As I approached the room, I heard the hushed voice of Scarlet singing.

"But it was not your fault but mine,
And it was your heart on the line,
I really fucked it up this time,
Didn't I my dear,
Didn't I my dear."

When I thought she was finished, I was about to walk in, but she spoke again.

"I miss you Tobi."

A/N: Sorry this took a while. I ended up causing a shit storm between my friends, and I feel really bad, so I pour my feelings into a creepy fan fiction!

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