Hello, Bitch

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Something was playing with my hair. I opened my eyes to see a sleepy Andy twirling my curls between his fingers. "Hey," was all he said, his glossy blue eyes dream-like.

"Hey," I responded. I remembered last night in great detail. The love, the sex, and everything in between.



"Babe, can you grab my phone?" I nodded and rolled off of his chest. I pulled his phone off of the charger. I looked down. There were two tweets. From Scout.

"@PoutyScouty: Hey Andy! Are you free tonight? I haven't seen you in forev! Let's catch up! ;)"

"@PoutyScouty: I'm in town staying at the Hampton's. Stop by around 11ish?"

She wanted to hook up with Andy. With my Andy. I dropped his phone, completely in shock. "Scar, baby, what's wrong?"

I picked his phone up from the floor and handed it to him. I felt defeated. Scout was so much better than me, at everything. A sudden wave of insecurity washed over me.

"That bitch!" Andy yelled. "She knows I'm with someone! How could she do that to my Scar," he mumbled. At his words, I lifted my head up. He was concerned about me?


"Baby, come here." Andy pulled my naked body back to his and held me close. "I wish I could say that she would be satisfied after scaring you like that, but I can't. If I know Scout, I know that she won't stop until we're broken up, or she's in jail. Just remember that I would never cheat on you. Okay? She'll say things, and spread rumors but you can't believe them. That's how she works. It happened with every girl I had attempted to date after her. She doesn't want me until someone else does." I believed him.

I looked back at Andy, feeling more attracted to him than before. I didn't think it was possible, but I did. I began to kiss his neck, causing him to moan. "If you thought last night was enough, And, then you're wrong," I whispered in his ear.

Surely, on thing lead to another...


Panting, I collapsed on Andy. His arms made their way around me and rested on my bare back. I rested, trying to catch my breath. I tilted my head slightly from his chest to gaze up at the man I loved.

Andy was smiling down at me, cheeks still a bit red from our previous activity. "You know, you're even sexier when you're only wearing the necklace I got you." I giggled at his remark, biting my lip in the process. "That's hot," he commented.

"I love you," I said. He sweetly pecked my cheek.

"I love you too, babe." I honestly couldn't believe we'd come that far. "Come on, I'll go make you breakfast. You do whatever you need to do." I nodded and got up from his chest, and so did he. I grabbed my bra and underwear, slid them on, then put on Andy's black dress shirt. Andy stepped out of the closet, but stopped when he saw me.

"Fuck, Scar," he said. I laughed at him again as he walked over to me. His arms lifted my up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed his soft, plump lips. As I pulled away, both laughed at or immature-ness.

Andy carried me down the stairs and into the kitchen. He placed me down on the granite island and began breakfast. I watched him the entire time. Sometimes her turned around to kiss me, other times he just held me. "I love being close to you," I told him as he played with the buttons on the dress shirt.

"Well, I prefer you without a shirt," he said to me as the undid the last one.

"You're going to burn breakfast," I said as I pointed to the now smoking pancakes.

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