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A/N: Excuse the image, it's relevant later on.


We walked off the stage, exstactic with out performance. Jon and Penny had managed to get us to perform a few concerts in the LA area to make up for the ones we missed. Anyone who had a ticket that would have been used in the East Coast tour had free admission.

I handed the mic to Andy, giving him a short good luck kiss. He made it last a little longer than it should have, making him the last to walk on the stage.

One of the staff members handed me a water and a towel. I sat down on one of the side stage chairs, talking with the guys and watching Andy sing his heart out.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Lauren was calling. "Hey Laur what-" I began, but she cut me off.

"Get Jake. Ella's in labor," she said frantically. From the sounds of it, she was driving.

"Shit," I mumbled. I ran up to head of stage crew and explained to him the situation. Jake would have to go to the hospital, so I had to fill in.

I got miked up and grabbed my guitar. When they finished New Religion, I walked on the stage and wheat strait to Jake. I whispered it to him and he ran off stage. The guys huddled around as I told them. We agreed to play the predetermined set and just have me fill in. I've heard the songs enough to know how to play them.

We began Children Surrender, but I couldn't keep my mind off of Ella. She had been two days overdue and was forced to stay home in case of the worst, which happened.

About an hour later, we finished and ran off stage, leaving for the hospital. Thankfully we had the meet and greet before the concert.

When we got to the hospital, we ran to the receptionist, asking where the maternity ward. She directed us and we were off again. Running thorough the hallways of the hospital, many people looked at us like madmen. After all, the guys were in their performing uniforms, CC and Ash didn't have any shirts on, and I was in a bra-let and skinny jeans with my Litas. Not easy to run in.

In the maternity ward, I head screaming and a string of swears. Lauren was outside one of the rooms, on the phone. CC went to her and gave her a hug.

"WHERE'S SCARLET!" I heard a female voice yell. A nurse ran out, looking scared and frantic.

"Is there a Scarlet Black here?" she asked. I stepped forward and her eyes widened a bit. "Ella Cole has requested for you to be in the delivery room.

I walked in, saying a short bye, and was greeted with the sight of Ella giving birth, practically breaking my Jake's hand as she pushed.

The nurse handed me a small robe and mask and I ran to Ella's unoccupied side.

"You better not fucking touch me again," she growled at Jake. He was about to say something, but I shook my head frantically, knowing he would be a dead man if her did.

Ella gripped my hand tighlty, holding on so hard that was sure there would be a bruise.

"Alright, push a little more," the doctor said calmly.

"I'm pushing as hard as I fucking can!" she said angrily. Ella screamed, grunted, and yelled.

"The baby is crowning. About three more pushes, on the count of three. One, two, three." Elle pushed, and the baby was almost here.

Ella continued to push, screaming and practically breaking Jake and I's hand. Finally, Ella gives one final, strong push and the baby is out. The doctors pat the little thing with warm towels and cries can be heard throughout the room.

Jake gets to cut the umbilical chord and they wrap the new born up, handing it to Ella. "Congratulation on your new baby girl," the nurse says.

Their faces were those of pure joy. Jake began to cry and Ella looked down at her lovingly. "Brooke," Ella said, "her name is Brooke Madeline Pitts."


We were all still in the hospital, drooling over Brooke. Andy and I already had out time with her, so we sat on the sidelines. I was on Andy's lap as he rubbed my arms, trying to keep my shivering body warm. The hospital was cold, and I was only in a half of a shirt.

"You sure you want to do that?" He asked quietly.

"It might be hard, but look at the payoff." Andy stared at Jake and Ella holding their child for a long time. "You're right to say now isn't the time, but yea, Andy, I think having a kid with you would be amazing."

Andy smiled and nodded, then placed a small kiss on the back of my neck.

It was getting late, so we decided to say goodbye and make our way home.


As I stepped out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a soft towel. I walked out and into the bedroom where Andy was laying down. He was watching batman as usual.

I giggled and slid on a bra and underwear and searched for my small nightgown. Andy had gotten it for me, saying he thought it was sexy. It was light blue, sheer and showing my black bra and panties, and cut off a little above my mid-thigh.

"Andy, have you seen my nightie?" I asked sweetly.

He smiled and pulled the small piece of fabric from under the blanket. "Let me put it on."

I walked over to Andy and he slid the small dress onto me, caressing and kissing my skin. Andy acted soft, but when I least expected it, he playfully pulled me over him and into the large bed.

Andy climbed on top of me and started tickling my side. "S-stop it!"

After a few more seconds, Andy flopped down next to me. We laughed and cuddled under the covers.

"That concert was pretty rad," he said as I tied my hair in a messy bun.

"It was. Penny told me a lot of people got in for free with their tickets."

He smiled at me, looking into my eyes. Andy then nuzzled his head into my neck and closed his eyes. I turned off the tv and snuggled up with him.


I woke up next to Scarlet, as usual. Starring down at her just made me feel happy. I had her, and she was mine. She looked so beautiful.

I brought her closer to me and kissed her forehead. She nuzzled her head into my neck as I did last time, her plump lips brushing the skin. I wish I could just wake her up and take her right there. We hadn't had sex in about two weeks, no particular reason as to why. We just didn't have to time.

Sadly, little Andy was not planning on listening today. I tried to think of all of the most disgusting things possible, even going as far as Matt Good in a bikini, bit nothing worked. This little bastard was going to poke Scarlet and wake her up.

I tried to maneuver around her to go to the bathroom and take care of this, but she wrapped one arm around me. I felt the other hand trail down my pants and into my underwear, stroking my- well you know.

Scarlet got on top of me, very sexily straddling in my hips. "Need some help, babe?" she asked. I could only nod.


I had rested next to her when we were done, trying to catch my breathe. Scarlet got up, went downstairs, and came back up a few minutes later with two cups of coffee.

"You're an angel," I said.

"Thanks babe. so what do you wanna do today?"

"Well, I had an idea...."

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