Winter Wonderland

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A/N: HAHAHAHA. Someone told me I was going to hell for being an atheist today... I would have responded, but I'm not a fucking idiot. Trust me, I could have said many hilarious things. But, I didn't. Carry on.


"Scarlet," he whispered, "wake up. It's Christmas." Andy gently shook my shoulder as I clung to his bare chest, trying to sleep a few more minutes.

"Shhhhh. Let me rest," I muttered.

"It's almost noon, baby. My mom came in asking if we were alive not to long ago." I sniffled, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. "There she is!"

"Shut up. You wore me out last night." Andy raised his eyebrow, shooting me a wicked smirk.

"Yea I did." I punched him lightly, rolling off the side of the bed and grabbing my underwear. Andy watched as I dressed myself, a satisfied look on his face. His eyes were trained on my neck. When I looked in the mirror, there were three, large, purple hickeys.

"Holy shit." I tried to see if my hair would cover it up, but the string of bruises led all the way to my chest. Only concealer would fix it. "Andy, can you grab my makeup bag?"

"Why? Are you going to cover it up?" He looked slightly saddened, sitting up in the bed.

"Well, yea. Your parents can't see this," I pleaded, taking a seat next to him and rubbing his arm. In truth, I didn't mind, and if we were anywhere else, I wouldn't dare cover them up. But, we were with his parents. And I'm sure they wouldn't like finding out we were having sex in their house.

"They won't care." I kissed his forehead, bringing his face closer to mine.

"They might. Is it worth taking the risk?" Andy shook his head, getting up, sliding in his boxer briefs, and tossing me my bag. I pulled out my concealer and a brush, quickly covering up the love bites. Since everything was out, I went ahead and did my makeup. Andy watched, occasionally handing me the things I needed, awestruck.

"How do you do that so well?" he asked. I laughed, shaking my head.

"I don't know. I just do." As well as handing me the makeup, Andy helped me out it away. I kissed his cheek, but promptly wiped away the lip gloss that stuck. "Let's get dressed," I said.

I slid on the last article of clothing, my stockings, before putting on my shoes. Andy was still trying to fit into his jeans, hopping around the room. I walked over to him, bending down and pulling up the fabric where it bunched at his knees. "Thanks," he said.

I stood back up, brushing off my skirt. Andy's hand landed on the small of my back as we walked down the stairs. His parents were cuddled up on the couch, watching a Christmas movie. "That's going to be us, some day," Andy whispered. I smiled, knowing that he really thought we would last. I wanted us to last, and I did hope we would have such a strong bond.

"Hey you guys," his father said.



The gift exchange was great. Andy's parents had gotten me a beautiful Rolling Stones record along with two free spa trips. Let's just say there were lots of hugs for those. They were happily surprised with the gifts we had gotten us, thanking us numerous times.

"We're going to go drop these off at a friends. Yo two have some alone time," said Amy. They slid on their coats and boots, leaving the house with gifts in hand.

"I got you some things," Andy yelled, hopping up and running under the tree. The cats were there, clawing at the ornaments. Andy pulled out four boxes, running back over to me and setting them down. "One of those is kind of a gift for the both of us." I laughed, kissing him before opening the first, and smallest box.

Peeling back the blue snowflake wrapping paper, I opened it to a blue Tiffany's box. "Andy...," I questioned, "how did you?"

"I bought it before we came. Just open it." I did as he said, pulling off the lid. Inside was a silver bracelet with the name 'Tobais,' in cursive.

"Oh god Andy..." My hand covered my mouth as I felt the tears threatening to spill over. "Why do you always get me the most perfect gifts?" I asked, sniffling.

"I just thought you'd like it. Look." He pulled a chain out of his shirt, the same design, but a necklace with my name on it. I got off the couch, kneeling next to Andy on the floor, and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. His soft hand caressed the back of my neck while the other pulled me closer. I placed my hands on his thighs, just loving the feeling of being close to him.

The rest of the gifts were sweet and nice, but not as beautiful as the bracelet. Much like the necklace, I refused to take it off once I put it on. The gift that was suppose to be for the both of us was a matching set of blue lace lingerie. Horn dog.

Andy was happily surprised to receive a KISS, Black Flag, and Metallica CDs, as well as me offering him a free massage. as I suspected, he took up the offer.

In an hour, I had Andy shirtless on the couch, his back covered in oil, and him moaning every time I put pressure on his muscles. I was straddling his waist, just focused on the job at hand. I needed my hands over the oil, onto his glistening white skin.

"Holy shit that feels amazing," he moaned into the pillow. I giggled, continuing to rub the stress out of his back. To add onto his massage, I kissed his neck. "Babyyy," he continued to drawl.

"Alright already. My hands are hurting. I'll give you another one tomorrow. For your birthday." He nodded, smiling content my as I rubbed off the lotion. Andy flipped around on the couch, chest up. He pulled me down so that I was laying on top of him, my head rested above his heart.

As I looked into his beautiful blue eyes, he pushed a curl behind my ear. "You are so stunning," he whispered.

"Why thank you."

"I love you so fucking much." Andy kissed the top of my head. His hands landed on the back of my thighs, the only area where my high socks didn't cover.

"I love you too."

"We leave for L.A. on the 27th. What do you want to do tomorrow with my parents?" he asked.

"It's your birthday. You decide." Andy smiled, playing with my industrial piercing on my ear.

"You're too sweet."

As we rested, my mind wandered to what we had to do when we got home. Various interviews about the new album, plus a team meeting regarding the tour. I was still worried that the dates wouldn't line up. But, I didn't let my mood dampen. I just snuggled more into Andy, relaxing and enjoying our break.

Un-breaking ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now