Chapter 1 (revised)

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I plan on  going through all of Strength and changing up the chapters to make them better.


Rules, they follow you whereve you go. Pack rules are strict. As a child all you do is learn and play with the other children, After the age of 12, play time ends and roles are learned. It's a female's job to take care of the home, and make sure to have a good education. The male's job is to also to get an education, but they begin working and learn how to provide for their future families.

In most packs families, they tend to be large and have strong bonds. I have a large family, but none of us are close by any means. I have five older beothers; Jameson, Michael,Trevor,Liam, and Chris. I also have an older sister by  the name of Anya out of all of my siblings I dislike Anya the most. My name is Symphony and I'm the youngest at 16.

I always thought that when people mated, they mated for life and stay together. That can't be said for my parents. From what  I understand after I was born things in the  house seemed to go down hill. My mother became distant ,and began leaving and dissapearing for long periods of time before returning at random. And slowly the family began to break apart and everyone began to grow distant. Finally at the age of 4 mom left, and she never returned. Dad turned into a workaholic  and barely ever comes home. That left my siblings to watch over me, and before long I became a burden to them. It became a normal things for me to be left alone, and I can still remeber the first time my siblings left me alone.

March 26- Age 8yrs old

"Michael you need to stay and watch Symphony." Anya yells walking into the kitchen. I could tell she was getting ready to go somewhere, it's Friday night she always goes out Friday night.It was normal for my siblings to argue on who was going to watch me.

"No! I'm going out." He yells grabbing his coat.

"Who's going to watch her? Nick is coming to get me." She says spinning around. Nick Catori was my sister's boyfriend...of the week. One of the many rules in the pack community is that female's aren't aloud to date until the age of 16. Nomrally parents monitor who their daughters are dating, but with Dad always working and Mom being gone Anya does whatever she wants.

"I don't know? And I really don't care." He says walking out the back door. Anya turns to me and lets out a sigh,  she gives me a look,a look that I don't really understand. A couple minutes later Nick pokes his head in;

"You ready?" he ask smiling at Anya. Nick seemed like a good guy, out of all of Anya's boyfriends he was he only one who seemed to be kind  to me.

"Yeah, just hold on." She says quickly walking over to me. She kneels down picking me up and taking me to the living room.

"Now Symphony, I need you to be a good girl and stay here. I won't be home until later tonight. I'm sure Jameson, Trevor, Liam, or Chris will be home soon. All you need to do is stay here,can you do that for me?" she asks softly. Nodding my head I smile at her,she kisses my forehead then leaves. Anya can be sweet when she wants to be, it's very rare though. After she walks out with Nick, I wait a few minutes before hoping off the couch then walk into the kitchen. I climb onto the counter and wait until I hear Nick's car start up and then drive away. Climbing down I open the back door and step outside, I walk into the backyard and then  I climb onto my swing and just sit there, a few minutes later I feel rain start to come down. I hear a thump from behind so I quickly spin around. I was relieved to see that it was only Jasper Sanamoni, we go to school together and live right next door. He even once called me pretty,and I guess you could say I have a crush on him.

"Jasper, why are you back here?" I ask curiously.

"I was bored and I looked out my window and I saw you. Can I play on the swings with you?" he asks nervously. I smile nodding my head furiously; I was finally going to have someone to play with me. I hate being alone, and it was great that Jasper lives next  door.

After that almost any time I was left alone Jasper would sneak into my backyard and play with me, it became a regular thing for us. That day wasn't the only day I was left alone; it became a norm in my home. As I got older I did whatever I wanted to do, it's not like I had anyone to tell me whether I can do it or not. No one in my family taught me how to do anything, I learned on my own how to cook and clean. My best friend Verity's mom was the one to teach me sew and garden, she's the closest thing I have to a mother.

Out of my entire sibling Anya was the only one to settle down at 20. My brothers were to busy enjoying the bachelor life. They still lived at the house but they were barely ever here. I really didn't care though, it's not like I paid them any attention we were strangers to each other and that wasn't going to change anything. No matter what.

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