6. Jellal Fernandes.

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Erza's POV:

     I felt something poking at me. I was feeling very sleepy so I turned and tried to go back to sleep. But then, a shrill voice shouted in my ears, "ERZA! Wake up already!!"

     I sat up straight on the sofa looking around. Hynhe was standing there, glaring angrily at me. She calmy pointed towards the clock. '7:23 a.m. Oh shit! Shit! Shit!'

     I ran up and down the house like a madman, trying to do things as fast as I could. I took a last look at the clock before bolting out of the house. '7:56 a.m.' I ran to the school and only stopped when I reached homeroom.

     Thankfully, Mr. Gildarts was not there yet. I sat down next to Lucy, on my usual seat. I took heavy breaths, catching on on the oxygen.


Erza's POV:

     I got out of science and headed to the cafeteria. As I walked along the corridors, a guy rammed into me and I almost fell. I quickly caught anything that my hands could reach, which happened to be another student.

     "Tch..." I heard the guy who rammed into me say. 'He didn't even apologize!!'  I turned to the student who I caught and apologized quickly.

     I looked back to see the blue haired guy disappearing around the corner. I turned away amd continued on my way to the cafeteria.

     Once I reached out usual table I slammed my bag on it and took a seat. Lucy looked at me questioningly, alarmed. I answered, "This blue haired guy from before almost tackled me to the ground and went away without even looking back!! Moron."

     "Blue haired..."Lucy repeated. "Could be him..."

     "Him. Who?" I asked. Lucy shaked her head and said, "Nothing. No one."

     "Lucy, tell me if you know him... I swear I am gonna knock some manners into that guy!!" I said. Lucy looked at me and said, "That's exactly why."

     "That guy was rude! How does he even manage that?" I exclaimed. Lucy sighed, and said, "That guy has to be Jellal. Jellal Fernandes. He is a straight A student. The goody-two-shoes. He isn't exactly the..." She trailed off.

     "The what?" I urged her to continue. She gave me a thoughtful look and continued, "The nice and friendly type. Especially to those who are not his friends."

     "He can be good to his friends, but I haven't ever seen him talking nicely to anyone else... Except for the teachers." Another voice added, which belonged to Levy.

     She sat at our table and continued, "He is kinda popular because of his looks. And because of his intelligence. He is quite smart and would have made a real good example of a student, if not for his hostile behaviour."

     Juvia trotted over and joined us. She was looking very happy for some reason. Our attention diverted towards her. Lucy asked her, smiling, "Why are you so happy?" Juvia replied happily, "Today Gray-sama talked to Juvia. Juvia is very happy!"

     We all smiled and Jellal's subject was forgotten. After lunch we all went our ways to different classes.


Erza's POV:

     Today's last class was Mr. Ichiya's. Lucy and I sat next to each other ruing our whole lives. Every couple of minutes, we looked at the watch. It felt like time was going too slow.

     I was bored to death by Mr. Ichiya's talk about 'parfume'. It was beyond me how he could bring the topic of 'parfume' while painting. After an excruciatingly long class, the bell rang and all the students rushed out the doors, me and Lucy included.

     We met with Levy and Juvia at our usual spot, and walked towards the gates. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw blue hair.

     I whipped my head in that direction to see none other than the blue haired guy. Jellal . He was walking with Natsu and Gajeel.

Anger filled me from head to toe, and if looks could kill... He would have been dead. He turned his head towards me and our eyes met.

     I gave him the worst glare I could and turned my head back. I joined in on the conversation with Lucy and Jellal was forgotten.

Jellal's POV:

     After the last bell rang, I met Natsu and Gajeel on the way out.  We started walking together through the school grounds. Natsu was taking about a fight with Gray when my eyes caught a flash of scarlet and I looked over to see what it was.

     I saw beautiful red hair billowing in the wind. I looked at the girl and our eyes met. I couldn't look away from her. She looked into my eyes and then turned away, breaking the spell.

     I released a breath I didn't realise I was holding. It felt like there was a hole in  my stomach. I kept looking at her red hair as she got farther and farther away from me. It was a weird feeling.

     I placed my palm on my stomach continuing to gaze in that direction. "... lal, oi, Jellal!!" Natsu shouted to get my attention.

     "Uh... Wh-what?" I asked him. Natsu gave me a questioning look and spoke, "You feeling alright? Is your stomach aching?"

     "What? Why would you think that?" I asked, confused. "Cause you were looking glazed and clutched your stomach..." Natsu pointed at my abdomen where my hand was resting.

     I quickly took it off and said, "No, I am alright... " "Hmm... Alright then." Natsu said. But Gajeel was smirking as if he knew something I didn't.

     I pushed that thought aside. We had to part ways a few minutes later. I said goodbye to Natsu and Gajeel and entered my house.


Jellal's POV:

     I tossed and turned in my bed, not able to sleep. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, walking past a door that hasn't been opened since years. I barely glanced at it as I walked back to my room with a glass of water in my hand.

     That room belonged to my parents who decided that they had had enough of me and left me, and the world without a care. I sat down on my bed and emptied the glass. I placed it on the bedside table and pulled my covers up.

     I lied on the bed, still not able to sleep. A certain red haired girl invaded my mind no matter how many times I tried to block her. I wasn't sure of what I felt.

     This...this feeling was new to me. I closed my eyes and a image of red hair billowing in the air came to me before I fell asleep, snuggling into the warm covers.


(A/n): Hello peeps! Jellal is finally introduced. Sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy the story. Bye!

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