48. The Key.

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A Week Later

Erza's POV:

     I rushed out of the house, hastily locking the door and ran towards Juvia. She was waiting for me even though we were about to be late for school today.

     "Hey, Juvia. I'm so sorry..." I said to her as we started walking towards school. Juvia shook her head and said, "It's okay. Juvia dosen't mind... We can make it to school in time."

     I increased my pace with one look at the time and said, "Well, if we have to reach on time, we gotta run." Juvia nodded as she stepped into pace with me.

     It had snowed last night and the streets were covered in a thin layer of snow, now melting. I was covered in many layers of clothes, including the sweater Natsu got me and the scarf Jellal did.

     I was also adorning the various other things I had received- and were wearable- at the request of everyone on the group chat. It wasn't just me though, Juvia too was wearing a brand new jumper and the earrings I had got for her.

      As I stumbled into the classroom, my eyes first sought out Jellal. He smiled at me as our eyes made contact and I took my seat infront of him.

     The reflection of light caught onto the chain of the locket he was wearing made me smile as I pulled out my books. I hastily removed the muffler as I started to feel warm inside the classroom.

     I heard a whisper from behind me, "Did you like it?" I turned around in my seat and said, "Yes! I love it. It's so warm-" But I was cut short as Mr. Gildarts entered the room. Everyone got up to greet him. Even though I couldn't complete my sentence, I was sure Jellal got what I meant.


Erza's POV:

     I walked along with Jellal, Gray and Levy in the corridors, towards the cafeteria. I was talking with Levy, "Oh, I read it whole. Thank you for the book! The story was so beautiful."

     "Right?" Levy replied smiling, "I knew you would like it!" I couldn't help but grin. As we entered the cafeteria, Lucy and Juvia joined us. We all took a seat at the table and waited for the rest to join us.

     Once everyone was there, we started to show each other the gifts we got. The atmosphere was suddenly buzzing with excitement and we were all talking at once.

     I was happy the whole time, that was till Jellal started to show the gifts he got. He showed everyone the wat g he got from Gray and then curling his finger around the chain hanging on his neck, he pulled out the locket.

     My stomach dropped when I saw what was actually hanging from the chain. A key. 'I gave him the key!! I- oh my goodness. I gave him the key ...' He smiled at me and said, "It's really beautiful, I like it a lot. Thanks Erza."

     I covered the shock on my face with the most genuine smile I could muster and replied, "I'm glad you like it!" Once his attention was off of me I winced, disappointed in myself for such a stupid mistake.

     'Oh... What did I do... How did it happen? I'm sure I- no. I'm not sure it was the right package... I should have cross-checked or something. Well done Erza... Now you're stuck with the locket.'

     Not that the locket was bad, but it was the gift I had originally planned for Jellal. I slapped myself in my mind and spent the rest of the lunch thinking about the small package lying in a corner of my room.


Gray's POV:

     I felt my phone vibrate under me as I lied on the couch, watching T.V. I pulled the phone out and checked the caller ID before answering
"Hello, Gray..."
"Did you find her?"
"Yep, she will do her job well."
"Great. I hope everything works out."
"It will. Why are you so worried anyways?"
"I... I don't want to hurt him again. I learn from my mistakes."
"Hmm... But don't worry. We won't have to take that kind of risk if she is who I think she is."
"Yeah... But I can't help it. Anyways, thanks."
"It's mutual benefit, Gray. Don't thank me..." The voice giggled softly.
"I'll meet you tomorrow then."
"Yep. Goodnight."
     I said and the call ended with a beep. I rolled on the sofa, accidentally switching the T.V. off. There was no point in turning it on again, my mind had busied itself with another topic.

Erza's POV:

     I sat on my bed and slowly opened the package. The locket slipped out of the wrapping and pooled onto my bed. I picked it up in my hands, a frown etched on my face.

     I slowly ran my finger along the side of the locket, and the lock on it. I felt a gap in the side as my nail sunk into it slightly and I pulled on it. The locket came open, exposing a shallow cavity inside.

     "You aren't supposed to open like that, are you?" I mumbled to myself as I explored the lock system of the locket. 'Maybe it was already open... To put something in and then lock it... I'll ask the old man at the shop later, I guess.'

     I shrugged and put the locket back into the packing, careful not to lock it close. I kept the whole mess into a drawer, unsure when or rather if I would ever use it.


(A/n): Sorry for the false hope.

MC: ...and the Worst Writer of the Year 2020 award goes to Ethereal!

*distant clapping sounds*

Me: Ahem... Thank you everyone. I would like to dedicate this award to my dear procrastination and laziness. Ofcourse, exams and stress helped me too. Thank you for putting up with me for so long!

Dramatics apart... I'm extremely sorry.

Next Update: 18th Jan 2021

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